Herdfan's Biden Racism Thread

If ever there were clear evidence of the nakedly partisan bullsh*ttery behind the "Biden's a racist" claim, it's this thread and Herdfan's lack of response to being held to account.

Not ignoring it, just very busy to day and need time to give a proper answer.
See, I don't think he evolved. I think he somehow learned not to say those things. I don't think his mind evolved. Just MHO.

Also shared by this guy:

When you list them all in one place........... Doesn't seem like he is evolving at all.

I’m ok with people who’s racism I can only unveil if I were Jack or Danny Torrance.
I don’t think Biden is the most racially sensitive person in politics- he has said a lot of rather disparaging remarks- I’m not sure they were intentional but they also may illustrate underlying thoughts.

I don’t think it’s worth defending him because I don’t know him personally, but at least he has made some efforts to apologize and his political initiatives reflect an effort to change things to some extent. Whether or not they are sincere I have no idea. But at the end of the day I consider actions to have merit.

Somewhat unrelated, but I do think this revived clip of Biden in the wake of “George Santos” is rather interesting.

It turns out pretty much all of what he said is untrue. I don’t think it’s an apples to apples comparison at the end of the day, but it’s indefensible behavior. Sadly one that is not unique in our political class.
Somewhat unrelated, but I do think this revived clip of Biden in the wake of “George Santos” is rather interesting.

It turns out pretty much all of what he said is untrue. I don’t think it’s an apples to apples comparison at the end of the day, but it’s indefensible behavior. Sadly one that is not unique in our political class.

Well it's definitely not apples to apples because Biden corrected himself and apologized almost the next day.

Hubris? Anxiety in the moment? Insecurity? Who knows, and it's interesting to see, but it's a far cry from the pathological whatever-the-f*ck that Santos has going on.
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I find it interesting you attack the author when all he did was have the audacity to list things Biden has said or done.

So are you stating Biden never said those things? Pretty sure most of them have been documented multiple times.

Let's see:
I did not attack the author for simply listing what Biden has said. I called out this author for long-time water carrying of racist lies of the GOP. He is a typical Black republican that's comfortable being the sole Black presence within white wing circles. They relish their heads being patted and being put up on a pedestal. He's a part of the Herman Cain Brigade. Once they've had their full of his self-hating rhetoric, he'll be simply ignored unless he can still be exploited for their cause, even after death.

Now to your "Let's see" = already refuted by others. And it does not address what I wrote. His line of attack is outdated, used of context and often outright lies. A few of the biggest examples is his twisting Biden's joke specifically to Charlamagne ("You ain't Black!") as a statement to all Black people. He clarified it and was supported by Black people that faulted the DJ for his nonsense, and his past anti-Black, anti-Trans BS on the airwaves. And of course, it was a slip of the tongue to say "Tuskegee Airmen," when he meant the participants in the Tuskegee experiment. White wingers/whiners knew what he was talking about and tried to obscure what was a legitimate grievance within Black communities at the beginning of The COVID Pandemic.

The author you posted of course started out his hit piece by not posting the comments in chronological order because readers would realize that the vast majority of them were very old, outdated views of Biden. He also provided no links as proof as they would have easily been proven as old and no longer held by Biden. As posted by others here and elsewhere. You can repeat nonsense ad nauseam, it'll still be nonsense.

Biden has progressed and made up for his rhetoric and actions. Your GOP buddies can't say the same for themselves. Many of the cries about Biden's alleged bigotry is found to be a continuing feature of the current GOP. They go out of their way to maintain the bedrock racism put forth by Goldwater-Reagan from the 60s.
Hang on now, you cannot hold someone accountable for words they have said in the distant past. Especially if they acknowledge they were wrong and apologize. The only way I would hold someone accountable for something they said in 1977 is if their actions behind those words were inline with their beliefs, e.g. David Duke.

Our language has been evolving and what we consider okay or disparaging words now may change over time. As long a someone is willing to grow and have empathy that words carry a lot of baggage to some. I am sure a lot of you are in the tech industry and until very recently (past couple of years) we were still using terms like master/slave to describe cluster setups. Does that make the whole industry racist?

The biggest problem when comparing Trump to Biden that I can see, is that Trump very rarely has apologized for his words and actions (and in some cases un-apologized), Biden for the most part has been apologetic, whether you take his apology at face value or a political move is up to you.
Hang on now, you cannot hold someone accountable for words they have said in the distant past. Especially if they acknowledge they were wrong and apologize. The only way I would hold someone accountable for something they said in 1977 is if their actions behind those words were inline with their beliefs, e.g. David Duke.

Our language has been evolving and what we consider okay or disparaging words now may change over time. As long a someone is willing to grow and have empathy that words carry a lot of baggage to some. I am sure a lot of you are in the tech industry and until very recently (past couple of years) we were still using terms like master/slave to describe cluster setups. Does that make the whole industry racist?

The biggest problem when comparing Trump to Biden that I can see, is that Trump very rarely has apologized for his words and actions (and in some cases un-apologized), Biden for the most part has been apologetic, whether you take his apology at face value or a political move is up to you.
I really like your point here. Thinking about it, there appears to be an attempt by the OP to blame Biden for institutional racism.

Those who deny that structural or institutional racism exist must think that any word or action that is negative towards a minority group is a standalone event, and that the person or people involved are racists. Perhaps that perspective explains why the originator of this thread believes the way they do.
I said things back in the '80s I wouldn't dream of saying today. Not that I was a monster or anything. But I've grown and evolved and changed over the years. Times have changed. Just watching TV from that time period can eye opening. The world moves on. It's the Overton window.

The point is, it's today speech and actions that matter the most, not what someone said 30-40 years ago. If they don't seem to be the same person they were then, I'll buy that unless there's evidence I should question that growth. I see no reason to question the president at this point. I've seen nothing to suggest (beyond wishful thinking) that he's a closet racist.
People and society progress, or they stay stuck in time. There are plenty of terms and concepts that were okay years ago that one should hesitate to use nowadays. Being more accommodating and avoiding hurtful rhetoric should be a good thing. Anyone that thinks that makes you look like a wimp, soft or liberal is immature at best, or a bigot in the worst sense of the word.

Biden talking about his work with asshole dixiecrats years ago as proof of working with anyone is much different than someone that embraces the concepts and words, and deeds of those same racists in the present. That most definitely includes Mango et al. They relish being compared to those racists. They spout bigotry on a constant basis. They bemoan multiculturalism and indeed want everyone to know that they're against it in all instances. They don't mind being identified as white supremacists (sic).
Part of the issue is a segment of the left has this the so-called purity test that has hair trigger offense and, as we do, the attributes of the extremists get ascribed to the entire side. So when situations like this pop up from the right it's less about their guy verses your guy in behavior and level and more about raging against something you give a pass too on your side. Degree of behavior doesn't enter into it. The militant wing of the me too movement comes to mind...all men are guilty, no pass.

From the other end of the spectrum would be the right claiming to care about children when so many don't seem to give a shit once it's done with the fetal stage. ...or more blatantly not caring about classified documents until it's Biden who has them.
This whole discussion makes me think that talkedabout should ditch politics discussions.

Well so far we're (on balance) doing better than so-called "social media"... and that may be a low bar but at least we're trying to keep it civil. It feels lately like an experiment in self-moderation, which works up to a point, most of the time.

But... I have to bail out sometimes, which is okay too. Saves Eric on pixel storage... :ROFLMAO:
I don't have many opportunities to be exposed to the argument du jour of conservative circles, so I'm thankful for the chance. But I'm equal parts relieved at the weakness of those arguments and horrified that they carry the day over there. It would calm my nerves if the 2nd party of the two-party system was actually concerned with policy or legal arguments, but threads like these confirm my fears that it's division and cynicism at the wheel.