Holiday Movies


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Aug 29, 2020

Last Christmas
2019 Paul Feig (Director)
Emilia Clarke
Henry Golding
Michelle Yeoh
Emma Thompson
Home for the Holidays. Criminally underrated, far and away my favorite.

Also, I enjoy The Ref.
I’ve got several, so I’ll post them separately, starting with something traditional.

1970, with Albert Finley and Alec Guinness

It’s atmospheric and funny, with a bouncy score. I distinctly remember an entire theater audience clapping along to “Thank You Very Much” when I saw it. I also remember the excellent use of warm, beautiful colors set against the dinginess of London’s moody streets and Scrooge’s lodgings.
I’ve got several, so I’ll post them separately, starting with something traditional.
1970, with Albert Finley and Alec Guinness

It’s atmospheric and funny, with a bouncy score. I distinctly remember an entire theater audience clapping along to “Thank You Very Much” when I saw it. I also remember the excellent use of warm, beautiful colors set against the dinginess of London’s moody streets and Scrooge’s lodgings.
That one also has some great music! All these years later, I can probably still sing most of the songs.
On the other end of the Scrooge scale there is this little gem from last year.


The mood is very different from the take Dickens tried to tell--it's closer to a horror movie--but it's a good reimagining for our troubled times.
Still on the darker side...from the director who gave us “A Christmas Story”.


Scary movie...but that must be the worst tag line of all time. 😄
Christmas vacation with Chevy Chase!

This is the correct answer. We're nuts for Xmas movies, but JFC people, we're still working through our Halloween/horror/scary flicks, can we pivot this thread to that?

For future reference, the Holy Trilogy of [modern-ish] Xmas movies:

Christmas Vacation
A Christmas Story

We will watch the above several times during December ... easily 10 times :D

Then the very close second tier - at least once, probably more like 2 times, a few maybe 3:

[These two may slip into the more than 3 times category]

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

A Charlie Brown Christmas
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Night Before
Office Christmas Party
A Christmas Carol (version TBD ...)
Bad Santa

I know what you're thinking, but let's be honest, It's a Wonderful Life can eat a bag of dicks ...
A Christmas Story. Anything else is simply un-American and you probably don’t even love Jesus. Also, Fred Clause, Four Christmases and Elf would be alright.
A Christmas Story. Anything else is simply un-American and you probably don’t even love Jesus. Also, Fred Clause, Four Christmases and Elf would be alright.

Yeah, I'm OK with this, for the __best__ we teeter back-n-forth between A Christmas Story vs. Christmas Vacation.

I think while ACS is a beautiful, funny, and still relevant tale of family Christmas, [National Lampoon's] Christmas Vacation pushes a few more "I've experienced this" buttons :D
Another offbeat Christmas horror movie that actually predates “Black Christmas” by two years.


1972. With Sally Field, Julie Harris, Walter Brennan and Jessica Walter.

Ailing patriarch Brennan calls his daughters together at Christmas time, not to celebrate the holiday but because he’s convinced his creepy wife is poisoning him.

Because it’s a California Christmas, instead of snow we get a raging thunderstorm and a mystery person in a yellow slicker killing people. It’s a weird cross between Christmas movie, slasher film and gothic whodunit.

I found it on DVD, but YouTube has it as well.
