How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

Truly surly antimaskers are still out and about, apparently. Could mind their own business. But since they don't, some will doubtless encounter equally surly ripostes... this one from a researcher in the field.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1413281243731398657/
This is a glaringly bizarre stat if true

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1414191707126648835/

Which in it's own amateurish stupid way fuels various conspiracy theories that if the virus strikes them, it was some kind of weapon out to get them.
Also, Trump was very positive about the vaccine until he lost the election. Then he changed his tune. His followers really buy into his insanity: hook, line, and sinker.
Also, Trump was very positive about the vaccine until he lost the election. Then he changed his tune. His followers really buy into his insanity: hook, line, and sinker.
This is a glaringly bizarre stat if true

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1414191707126648835/

Which in it's own amateurish stupid way fuels various conspiracy theories that if the virus strikes them, it was some kind of weapon out to get them.
Give 'em credit where credit is due. It's an impressive achievement to collect such a unique set of sell outs, like the anti-vaxx physician, the unconstitutionalist lawyers, or the climate change denying engineer*.

People like Rand Paul impress as such weaklings, he is "100% pro-life" when it comes to others' decisions, but finds his decisions about not getting vaccinated "deeply personal". (To add to it, the vaccination provides extra protection indicated by higher antibody titers even those exposed to SARS-CoV-2 before, so he's factually wrong too...)

*TBF the engineer believes in climate change, just not in the role of human activity in it...Incidentally he is paid by major polluters.
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This weekend I was with family out of state, and two guys there whom I see a fair amount of were being jerks about Covid. One is a definite Trumper who has said he’s not getting vaccinated. The other is a naive, easily misled guy who spent all this year waffling about how he’ll “probably” get it at some point but wasn’t ready yet, how he just wasn’t comfortable with it, etc.

This weekend when I asked again he gave me some BS excuse about how his type O blood made him less vulnerable to the virus, so he didn’t really need the vaccine and wouldn’t be getting it at all.

Keep in mind this guy’s had a vasectomy. So getting his junk cut into is okay, but a little needle shot is a bridge too far.

It’s not the first time he’s sheepishly repeated right wing baloney, so I’m sure he’s just doing whatever Uncle Tucker on TV tells him to do.

In point of fact, type O is the least susceptible, but he was sitting across me, a type A, the most susceptible, for hours, and it never occurred to his simple brain that he might be infecting me or somebody else.

I wish I’d learned that earlier in the evening, because I might’ve gotten up and moved somewhere else. Despite my being vaccinated, these two guys’ flippant attitude made me feel more vulnerable. Besides being type A, I also have a lung condition, which obviously makes me someone who can’t take this lightly.

So today I am (1) kicking myself for being polite and not saying anything back; (2) kicking myself for staying there all evening; and (3) promising myself to avoid those guys where possible and wear a mask around them when it’s not.

And the real kicker? I just found out that a relative on my wife’s side who is fully vaccinated got the disease anyway and is fairly sick right now. So yeah I’m feeling vulnerable.

When I next see these guys they’ll probably figure out why I’m suddenly masked again, and they may roll their eyes or even be offended, but you know what? Fuck them.
There’s a few people in my family that are refusing to get vaccinated. One is older and therefore falls into the vulnerable category. The others have young kids (too young for the vaccine and even if they were old enough I feel like they wouldn’t let them get the vaccine). So they’re putting their whole family at risk. The one thing they all have in common? They’re huge Trumpers. It’s so dumb and infuriating. How the fuck did we get to this point? 😡
I just saw a bit of Seth Meyers show that focussed on the CPAC thing (hint: if your political fundraising activities make the news ~8 months just after an election, your political climate might be as fucked as the earth's climate).. anyway. I couldn't actually watch it past the idiot attempting to be funny and just flailing around like a half cooked goose (Don Jr, that is) so I'm just going by Meyer's summary at the top of the segment - he said the crowd, who are presumably republican big-wigs and donors etc... applauded the low vaccination rates....

I'm not going to be surprised in 2024 when the number of republican voters is even lower because of COVID-induced attrition. What a way to 'own the libs'.
There’s a few people in my family that are refusing to get vaccinated. One is older and therefore falls into the vulnerable category. The others have young kids (too young for the vaccine and even if they were old enough I feel like they wouldn’t let them get the vaccine). So they’re putting their whole family at risk. The one thing they all have in common? They’re huge Trumpers. It’s so dumb and infuriating. How the fuck did we get to this point? 😡

It's unfair on the children but part of me thinks this is modern day natural selection at work.
... so they're gonna.... treat it like teen pregnancy, and just preach abstinence?
If states like Tennessee keep forcing out anybody with an education, are we going to have half the U.S. living like cavemen? A curiosity for the “liberal elites” to visit on safaris through the Midwest?
If states like Tennessee keep forcing out anybody with an education, are we going to have half the U.S. living like cavemen? A curiosity for the “liberal elites” to visit on safaris through the Midwest?
A safari where the subjects are the ones with all the guns.
This certainly won't help:

I can't say I am surprised, and I suspect it will be blown up into a bigger issue than it really is.
So in a country with... a choice of what, four vaccines, some people have an adverse reaction to one of them... and conservatives idiots are going to use this as an argument to not get vaccinated? Yeah ok, that's about as logical as I can really expect from people who also claim a mask prevents them from breathing.

Get back to me when your government is rolling out a vaccine with at-best 50% efficacy and zero knowledge of fucks given about side effects, and we'll talk about the reasons for vaccine hesitancy.

I don't like to generalise, but fuck me do Americans have a knack for being whiny entitled little shits.
So in a country with... a choice of what, four vaccines, some people have an adverse reaction to one of them... and conservatives idiots are going to use this as an argument to not get vaccinated? Yeah ok, that's about as logical as I can really expect from people who also claim a mask prevents them from breathing.

Get back to me when your government is rolling out a vaccine with at-best 50% efficacy and zero knowledge of fucks given about side effects, and we'll talk about the reasons for vaccine hesitancy.

I don't like to generalise, but fuck me do Americans have a knack for being whiny entitled little shits.
There's also the statistics involved.

Meaning the number of people who got THAT vaccine, being in the specific group of male over 50, and IF you've already had the vaccine over 2 weeks you aren't in danger.

It's a common ploy that for some anything that they are resistant to, has to be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. If it's something they advocate, it becomes "is anything really absolutely perfect?"

Like I've said before, some won't be satisfied until God forbid the virus effects that group more heavily because of their obstinance. So they can ultimately play the victim for something of their own doing. Then it will be the fault of everyone else but them, to do something about what is happening to them. If something isn't done fast enough, it will prove all of their original conspiracies, bringing things full circle.
This is where the F we are going with some

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1415317663555874820/

The Ozarks are being overrun by the Delta variant, but some are more worried about being seen getting the vaccine, as opposed to getting Covid.
WRT my previous post here, it is interesting that this just popped up

Some other stupidity

I am disappointed DeWine