How can there not be a COVID-19 thread?

Well this just gave the "the vaccine isn't safe" crowd more ammo:

Perhaps, but what do you suggest as a better course of action? Anti-vaxxers refer to vaccines as a monolith, when in reality they perform differently and have different rates of adverse events. And the likelihood of thrombosis from J&J is still far lower than the risk associated with COVID-19. But you can't win when dealing with people who get their medical advice from Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or do their own "research."
Perhaps, but what do you suggest as a better course of action? Anti-vaxxers refer to vaccines as a monolith, when in reality they perform differently and have different rates of adverse events. And the likelihood of thrombosis from J&J is still far lower than the risk associated with COVID-19. But you can't win when dealing with people who get their medical advice from Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or do their own "research."
Some people hate being told what to do. If they haven’t outgrown their toddler phase, I don’t know what we can do other than make it inconvenient for them to take part in society. Asking them to be grown-ups and help their country is not working.
I had plans to attend a concert tonight in Lancaster, PA with friends -- had the hotel room reserved for myself and everything, but a couple of days ago I bit the bullet and made the decision not to attend the concert after all. I'm fully vaccinated (two regular jabs of Moderna, plus booster) and from what I understand the theatre is requiring masking and (possibly) proof of vaccination from all attendees, but even so, I got a bit nervous as the idea of sitting in a theatre with several hundred strangers and spending time and around other strangers in restaurants and the hotel. At my age (76) with this Omicron thing seemingly moving pretty. quickly, I decided it was just too risky. I'll miss being there tonight with my friends and seeing/hearing/supporting the artist, but hopefully things will get better in the spring and there will be other concerts, other opportunities.....
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471937383264309264/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1471898438707068935/
When Trump was (*word sticks in my craw*) President, I think the daily drip-drip-drip of crazy behavior from that office maybe desensitized us to how evil this guy’s Covid “policies” were.

It hit me a lot harder when I read this summary of the sheer negligence, contempt and recklessness that characterized how he handled that entire year.

The report, prepared by the House select subcommittee investigating the nation’s Covid response, says the White House repeatedly overruled public health and testing guidance by the nation’s top infectious disease experts and silenced officials in order to promote then-President Donald Trump's political agenda.
…In an interview with the subcommittee, Birx said when she arrived to the White House in March 2020 — more than a month after the U.S. declared a public health emergency — she learned that federal officials had not yet contacted some of the largest U.S. companies that could supply Covid testing.
The subcommittee also found in its investigation that the Trump White House blocked requests from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct public briefings for more than three months. That move followed a late-February 2020 briefing in which a top CDC official "accurately warned the public about the risks posed by the coronavirus," it said.

Another CDC official told the panel that the agency asked to hold a briefing in April 2020 on a recommendation to wear cloth face coverings and present evidence of pediatric cases and deaths from Covid, but the Trump White House refused.
Documents obtained by the committee also show that Trump political appointees tried to pressure the Food and Drug Administration to authorize ineffective Covid treatments the president was pushing, like hydroxychloroquine and convalescent plasma, over the objections of career scientists, the report said.

That is sheer insanity. And I have to ask. Do you think such negligence and concerted efforts to run in the wrong direction constitutes a crime against humanity? I think a case could be made.
Moderna’s booster is highly effective against Omicron.

A booster shot of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine significantly raises the level of antibodies that can thwart the Omicron variant, the company announced on Monday.

The news arrives as Omicron rapidly advances across the world, and most coronavirus vaccines seem unable to stave off infectionfrom the highly contagious variant.

Moderna’s results show that the currently authorized booster dose of 50 micrograms — half the dose given for primary immunization — increased the level of antibodies by roughly 37-fold, the company said. A full dose of 100 micrograms was even more powerful, raising antibody levels about 83-fold compared with pre-boost levels, Moderna said.
It takes a lot to tick me off, but this guy, this pastor at a local church, managed to do just that on Facebook...


Yay! They finally added the number of covid-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 separately for unvaccinated and vaccinated respectively for different age groups to the slides.

Data from October 25th to November 28th 2021, so a bit dated. You can probably figure things out without translation.
Couldn't read the article, so maybe it was addressed, but is that for 3x Moderna or will it be similar for 2x Pfizer + 1 Moderna?

Local Walgreen's has Moderna.
I'd go with moderna. In my state moderna spots disappear in a matter of minutes. I ended up settling with pfizer for dose #3.
Yay! They finally added the number of covid-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 separately for unvaccinated and vaccinated respectively for different age groups to the slides.

Data from October 25th to November 28th 2021, so a bit dated. You can probably figure things out without translation.

One of my collaborators is in Sweden right now and we got a chuckle about the stark difference in COVID precautions the moment he enters Denmark...
The trendy haircut the Hitlerjügend used to sport...

Everyone has a haircut like that these days. INCLUDING ME! that I think about it, you could probably make a correlation between average lengths of popular haircuts, and general uptightness of the population at large.
One of my collaborators is in Sweden right now and we got a chuckle about the stark difference in COVID precautions the moment he enters Denmark...
Voluntarily entering Denmark? Sounds like either a madman or someone desperately looking to stock up on cheaper booze. :mrgreen:
Everyone has a haircut like that these days. INCLUDING ME! that I think about it, you could probably make a correlation between average lengths of popular haircuts, and general uptightness of the population at large.
Hair fashion rotates over 2-3 decades, but there's a reason this specific haircut was not included in that rotation for 7 decades. By now, society feels we're past the Nazis, but well, we definitely aren't.
Voluntarily entering Denmark? Sounds like either a madman or someone desperately looking to stock up on cheaper booze.
Hahaha. My Norwegian buddies always told me Danish is how drunk Norwegians speak. A friend of mine works in Denmark and she told me, the best compliments she gets about her Danish is that she must be Norwegian. Scandinavian banter about Denmark never gets old:)
Hahaha. My Norwegian buddies always told me Danish is how drunk Norwegians speak. A friend of mine works in Denmark and she told me, the best compliments she gets about her Danish is that she must be Norwegian. Scandinavian banter about Denmark never gets old:)

I've heard that Dutch sounds a lot like a little kid making fun of a German speaker.