How long will trump be in quarantine?

Low long will his quarantine last?

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If he’s truly improving I’d expect him to campaign immediately, ignoring protocols. It’s do or die, at this point. Nothing good happens for him if he loses.
You have a link for this? I'm hearing so many conflicting rumors, it's hard to tell what's what.
I haven't seen it in print but did hear it was said on CNN, YMMV.
Good, that means we can get back to whole heartedly kicking the shitbag... :devilish:

It's true I've not passed along some things I bumped into that made me laugh. Here is one of the milder ones. I mean if Trump's easing into saying he's cured, then I'm easing into reminding him that he has SO messed up.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1312462466983501824/
It's true I've not passed along some things I bumped into that made me laugh. Here is one of the milder ones. I mean if Trump's easing into saying he's cured, then I'm easing into reminding him that he has SO messed up.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1312462466983501824/


It should be hung around his neck. While the president can play fast-and-lucky, and then get state-of-the-art treatment, the rest of us have to wait days or weeks for tests, and we can't just check ourselves into the hospital because we have a fever.

It's clear that the president was significantly ill, and yet, he'll probably come out fine because he's got access to new drugs, a team of docs, and a presidential suite. People in New York died in the hallway of a hospital and their bodies were loaded into freight coolers.
Ben Carson and Rona go together now. [emoji127][emoji2535]
Republicans have just given in that they may get it but won't let it stop them. That said I can't personally wish harm on any of them, I hope the best for Dr. Carson.
Republicans have just given in that they may get it but won't let it stop them. That said I can't personally wish harm on any of them, I hope the best for Dr. Carson.

I'll start caring about them again once they actively begin encouraging caution among others in their base. Token gestures and mere acceptance are insufficient with the amount of nonsense they have sewn up to this point. As others have mentioned, Dr. Carson should have been aware of this. I'll admit I have wondered about his mental state, given his comments on pyramids and other things, but it's hard for me to believe he wasn't aware of the risk after a long career as a doctor, with significant contributions made to the medical community.
I agree. But I have no sympathy. He’s a doctor who should’ve known and done better.

Yep. I keep vacillating between Donne's "Each man's death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind," and thinking "fuck these guys, and twice on Sunday."

No kidding. I just want that administration gone. It's gonna be some tooth grinder to hear these schmucks in the inner circle go on their book tours and talk up their valiant behind-scene efforts to keep Trump on the rails.... as if they were the military, risking their lives with a sense of honor and duty on the fucking watchtowers.

Not too sorry for the unvarnished language there either. It's been too cold to go outside so far today and let some yardwork manage the vents on my residual anger. I'm still really steamed over the craven collapse of the Rs in their refusal to step up and herd their orange critter properly for the interests of the USA overall.

There were all these warnings in 2015, 2016 about how dismounting the tiger is harder than hopping on for an adventurous ride. The RNC didn't listen and didn't assert their right --their right!-- as an American political party to remind followers that a political party is not a democracy unto itself, it is an organism that seeks to remain viable through the turmoil of any electoral period and emerge capable of further evolution in future.

The Republicans of the RNC hierarchy --and its members who have been elected officials at federal or state levels-- could have squinted at that year's rules at the last minute and squashed Trump even with their unfortunately front-loaded campaigns in 2016. It's been done before, by both major parties, even in the era of primaries superseding just plain back room dealmaking.

But in 2016, the roar of the constituents in some Tea Party oriented states was too much within their hearing and so the R honchos shrugged and hopped onto the back of the Trump Tiger. Now they're all going to be vying to say they knew Trump was out of control so the best thing to do was hang in there and try to keep the tiger from eating all the good steaks and prime ribs still in the larder.

Wish those officials and the since empowered Trump appointees were the only ones who have now paid some price... and we don't even have a final accounting in hand of what this administration has cost all of us and the country. This atrocious creature in the White House has two more months to roam around trying to push buttons that in some stretch of his imagination are his perfect right to use in acting out his rage that we did not elect him President for Life. Meanwhile we're out here dying of covid.

Anyway I'll confess to looking forward to long and detailed reviews of Trump staffers' memoirs, reviews that start with "We read this thoroughly so you don't have to" -- but I am not shelling out for any Johnny-come-lately memoirs about valiant efforts to keep the last four years' nightmares down to a dull roar. No way. I'm gonna make a rogues' gallery of authors' dust jacket photos and paste it up in the bathroom, like my photos of some of Nixon's enablers when I had my place in the city. Back then we all only had hard copies of newspapers so it was easy to decorate that bathroom... and I still remember the day I took them all down and put up the NY Post front page when Nixon finally resigned.

tbh these wannabe memoir writers would be best off if they just negotiate for serialized publication in newspapers and topical magazines. Everybody wants to see the juicy parts and no one is going rush to pay for a book, even at remaindered prices. We're pretty stupid in the USA, obviously, but we're also really cheap now in the age of covid-19 eating the groceries and nibbling at the roof overhead.
I'll start caring about them again once they actively begin encouraging caution among others in their base. Token gestures and mere acceptance are insufficient with the amount of nonsense they have sewn up to this point. As others have mentioned, Dr. Carson should have been aware of this. I'll admit I have wondered about his mental state, given his comments on pyramids and other things, but it's hard for me to believe he wasn't aware of the risk after a long career as a doctor, with significant contributions made to the medical community.

And, maybe in the background, he's been yelling at them to do the right things, and not only has he been ignored, but now he'll have to endure the disease too. The fact that they can't protect themselves, much less the president, tells us that the Trump administration is functionally unable to deal with this pandemic.

I saw this too with the rallies, even GOP GOTV events and Tuesday night's parties. They are unable to wrestle with this disease, and have either gone all "momento mori" on us, or continue to argue that it's some liberal conspiracy.
And, I know if I get it, it was because of the Republican party.
No kidding. I just want that administration gone. It's gonna be some tooth grinder to hear these schmucks in the inner circle go on their book tours and talk up their valiant behind-scene efforts to keep Trump on the rails.... as if they were the military, risking their lives with a sense of honor and duty on the fucking watchtowers.

Not too sorry for the unvarnished language there either. It's been too cold to go outside so far today and let some yardwork manage the vents on my residual anger. I'm still really steamed over the craven collapse of the Rs in their refusal to step up and herd their orange critter properly for the interests of the USA overall.

There were all these warnings in 2015, 2016 about how dismounting the tiger is harder than hopping on for an adventurous ride. The RNC didn't listen and didn't assert their right --their right!-- as an American political party to remind followers that a political party is not a democracy unto itself, it is an organism that seeks to remain viable through the turmoil of any electoral period and emerge capable of further evolution in future.

The Republicans of the RNC hierarchy --and its members who have been elected officials at federal or state levels-- could have squinted at that year's rules at the last minute and squashed Trump even with their unfortunately front-loaded campaigns in 2016. It's been done before, by both major parties, even in the era of primaries superseding just plain back room dealmaking.

But in 2016, the roar of the constituents in some Tea Party oriented states was too much within their hearing and so the R honchos shrugged and hopped onto the back of the Trump Tiger. Now they're all going to be vying to say they knew Trump was out of control so the best thing to do was hang in there and try to keep the tiger from eating all the good steaks and prime ribs still in the larder.

Wish those officials and the since empowered Trump appointees were the only ones who have now paid some price... and we don't even have a final accounting in hand of what this administration has cost all of us and the country. This atrocious creature in the White House has two more months to roam around trying to push buttons that in some stretch of his imagination are his perfect right to use in acting out his rage that we did not elect him President for Life. Meanwhile we're out here dying of covid.

Anyway I'll confess to looking forward to long and detailed reviews of Trump staffers' memoirs, reviews that start with "We read this thoroughly so you don't have to" -- but I am not shelling out for any Johnny-come-lately memoirs about valiant efforts to keep the last four years' nightmares down to a dull roar. No way. I'm gonna make a rogues' gallery of authors' dust jacket photos and paste it up in the bathroom, like my photos of some of Nixon's enablers when I had my place in the city. Back then we all only had hard copies of newspapers so it was easy to decorate that bathroom... and I still remember the day I took them all down and put up the NY Post front page when Nixon finally resigned.

tbh these wannabe memoir writers would be best off if they just negotiate for serialized publication in newspapers and topical magazines. Everybody wants to see the juicy parts and no one is going rush to pay for a book, even at remaindered prices. We're pretty stupid in the USA, obviously, but we're also really cheap now in the age of covid-19 eating the groceries and nibbling at the roof overhead.

Considering the reaction to Miles Taylor—apparently the "resistance" in Trump's orbit—I think these guys will struggle to write heroic narratives. And, a few of them are so toxic that they won't be able to land cushy corporate gigs either.
Considering the reaction to Miles Taylor—apparently the "resistance" in Trump's orbit—I think these guys will struggle to write heroic narratives. And, a few of them are so toxic that they won't be able to land cushy corporate gigs either.

Re the bold -- from your pen to God's eyes. Wondering where Stephen Miller will end up. Can't decide if I'd rather it's in some obscure caricature of a think tank, or out there where [other] people can keep an eye on him. I can't stand the sight or sound of him and it's hard not to wish he'd just go back in the woodwork Unfortunately, Stephen Miller would probably love to work on lending more strength to white supremacist influences in our lawmaking. Hoping his ego won't let him settle for relatively anonymous slot like that of a congressional policy liaison guy, which is what he was before landing in Trump's inner circle.

As for Carson... he's in a pretty vulnerable age group, I can't wish him more ill health but I do wish his covid-19 experience would convert more of the outgoing admin officials to taking a stronger and more science-led public approach to covid during the transition of power.

The spikes all over the country at this time are really starting to tax medical resources and it's not even consistently "winter" weather yet. Enough already of the Republican dismissals of this coronavirus. Election over, let's put public health back in the public interest column and quit playing politics over masks and social distancing.

Anyone wanna guess at what Trump's current cocktail of meds must look like? Not what the average post-covid American is probably relying on. I read that in prisons the most common covid "treatment" has been over the counter cold medicines.
And, maybe in the background, he's been yelling at them to do the right things, and not only has he been ignored, but now he'll have to endure the disease too. The fact that they can't protect themselves, much less the president, tells us that the Trump administration is functionally unable to deal with this pandemic.

He may be doing so behind the scenes, but if so, he remained silent in public for a number of months. Much of what I've seen from Carson over the last few years isn't representative of what I might have expected from someone with his background and accomplishments.

I saw this too with the rallies, even GOP GOTV events and Tuesday night's parties. They are unable to wrestle with this disease, and have either gone all "momento mori" on us, or continue to argue that it's some liberal conspiracy.
And, I know if I get it, it was because of the Republican party.

I take it that "momento mori" has become the right wing version of YOLO? Given that it's Trump, I am almost surprised he didn't set up a Dia de los Muertos celebration at the White House this year in an effort to grab a couple extra Latino voters.