I did not know that: The tech edition


What the F?!!!
Aug 18, 2020
Since there's so much I do NOT know, it makes sense for a tech version of my threads as well.

I brought a new iPad mini 6 when they were released, with visions of all that portability. What I discovered is that any "visions" you have, can be directly affected by one's aging eyesight. So while it was nice to have an iPad bigger than my iPhone, especially to watch videos and do on the go notes, I really didn't enjoy it. So when I saw the new iPad Air, I thought perhaps that's as portable as I want to get. So I decided after release I'd try to get one. Seems for base products, after the initial sellout of products from the Apple store, if you wait 2 weeks they quietly trickle back in. So I made my way to the Apple store to grab a now in stock base Blue iPad Air, and trade in my iPad mini towards it.

What I did NOT know, is that recent Apple releases have NO resale or trade in value according to Apple.


I went to trade mine in, NOT noticing on the website ( after all there are getting to be many so versions with just numbers, I lose track ) that the latest iPad mini I could trade in for $210 was the iPad mini 5. According to the employee who says he only learned of this along with customers earlier, is people trying to trade in their iPhone 13s after the return period towards the new color way release or a bigger version. Literally according to Apple, any new release within I guess 6 months is basically only good to be taken in for recycling. 👀

I was told by the Apple employee basically to hold onto my iPad mini for awhile until it's sometime added to be accepted for trade in.

I did NOT know that.


The new Air is pretty enjoyable considering how light it is to hold, so I've been using it more than my iPP which I still am not the biggest fan of taking out everyday. Unlike the Air which is my on the go entertainment system, as well as a nice size notebook to write in.

Also it is pretty, if you are into that sort of thing. Goes great with my blue BT Soundcore headphones, which have the needed ability to be connected to 2 devices. Great from going quickly from iPhone to my iPad Air whenever I need.
I noticed that a while back when I checked the trade in value of my mothers old phone. They don't include the current models on anything. There is no trade in for iPhone 13s.
Wait? WHA?!!! Uh, Tesla...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1527708021903609857/

I'm old enough to remember the old jokes about Ford Pintos being a type of James Bond deathtrap. Now THAT is scary.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528034818415595520/
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Since there's so much I do NOT know, it makes sense for a tech version of my threads as well.

I brought a new iPad mini 6 when they were released, with visions of all that portability. What I discovered is that any "visions" you have, can be directly affected by one's aging eyesight. So while it was nice to have an iPad bigger than my iPhone, especially to watch videos and do on the go notes, I really didn't enjoy it. So when I saw the new iPad Air, I thought perhaps that's as portable as I want to get. So I decided after release I'd try to get one. Seems for base products, after the initial sellout of products from the Apple store, if you wait 2 weeks they quietly trickle back in. So I made my way to the Apple store to grab a now in stock base Blue iPad Air, and trade in my iPad mini towards it.

What I did NOT know, is that recent Apple releases have NO resale or trade in value according to Apple.


I went to trade mine in, NOT noticing on the website ( after all there are getting to be many so versions with just numbers, I lose track ) that the latest iPad mini I could trade in for $210 was the iPad mini 5. According to the employee who says he only learned of this along with customers earlier, is people trying to trade in their iPhone 13s after the return period towards the new color way release or a bigger version. Literally according to Apple, any new release within I guess 6 months is basically only good to be taken in for recycling. 👀

I was told by the Apple employee basically to hold onto my iPad mini for awhile until it's sometime added to be accepted for trade in.

I did NOT know that.


The new Air is pretty enjoyable considering how light it is to hold, so I've been using it more than my iPP which I still am not the biggest fan of taking out everyday. Unlike the Air which is my on the go entertainment system, as well as a nice size notebook to write in.

Also it is pretty, if you are into that sort of thing. Goes great with my blue BT Soundcore headphones, which have the needed ability to be connected to 2 devices. Great from going quickly from iPhone to my iPad Air whenever I need.
I'd have given you $79 for it (kidding). Throw it on craigslist or Facebook marketplace (if you use zuckerbook) and sell it.
Wait? WHA?!!! Uh, Tesla...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1527708021903609857/

I'm old enough to remember the old jokes about Ford Pintos being a type of James Bond deathtrap. Now THAT is scary.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528034818415595520/
unless something has changed, most folk actually pull the manual release and not press the button to open the doors in the 3 and Y. Or at least that was my experience having new folk get in the car.
unless something has changed, most folk actually pull the manual release and not press the button to open the doors in the 3 and Y. Or at least that was my experience having new folk get in the car.
Which according to the comments later in the thread is supposedly not the most intuitive thing, and in a panic could be possibly missed.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528171156724916224/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528176874077274114/

I will of course leave it to the 'musketeers' & long time Tesla owners to know of such things. Which the person trapped in the car that caught fire surprising him, then locking him in while the car was burning, may have slipped the person's mind in a panic.
I'd have given you $79 for it (kidding). Throw it on craigslist or Facebook marketplace (if you use zuckerbook) and sell it.
I was sort of assed out, as I had hoped to use the trade in, towards the price of the Air.

I've honestly forgotten about the mini since I wiped it. At this point if the rumors are true of another iMac or Mini, I think that $250 would go towards that.

Also have really appreciated the Air since purchase.
Which according to the comments later in the thread is supposedly not the most intuitive thing, and in a panic could be possibly missed.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528171156724916224/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1528176874077274114/

I will of course leave it to the 'musketeers' & long time Tesla owners to know of such things. Which the person trapped in the car that caught fire surprising him, then locking him in while the car was burning, may have slipped the person's mind in a panic.
If you argued that the rear doors not having an emergency release is a problem (doesn't on the 3 but does on the Y) I would 100% agree, but both vehicles do in the front. I don't understand why Tesla put non-connected buttons for the door on the 3 (and later Y) when you cannot control the doors from the screen like you can on the X (so it makes sense there). And it sucks that in a panic that owner forgot about the release.

Edit: IMO the emergency release in the 3/Y front is about as obvious (to me) as the emergency release in a Corvette, 🤷🏽‍♂️
Edit: IMO the emergency release in the 3/Y front is about as obvious (to me) as the emergency release in a Corvette, 🤷🏽‍♂️

Yep, C7/C8 Corvettes have an electric push button interior door opener, and the manual emergency release is down on the floorboard, next to the seat, where you wouldn't intuitively look for an alternate door opener.

I knew about the manual door releases from day one, read the manual, I do the same for any car I've owned: know how to open, lock/unlock (inside and out) with a dead battery, alternate manual key unlocking (to access the hood/battery if it's dead), battery location, jump points, and even the emergency trunk release (if I get trapped in the trunk ... for whatever reason :D).
"And time marches on..."
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1529136080477474818/

I did not realize they were all gone already. My last trip, I thought I saw one or two. Not that I or anyone else would use them. The city had setup charging stations.
Uh, ... Cause for concern?
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1535716256585859073/
Not really. 200 page pdf that often went way off track. And the AI just responds to questions after being trained with texts on cognition (and other things). In between being prompted by the human, it does nothing. It doesn’t think, make plans, daydream - it receives a prompt and then calculates the response with highest probability of fitting into the texts it has been trained with.
Not really. 200 page pdf that often went way off track. And the AI just responds to questions after being trained with texts on cognition (and other things). In between being prompted by the human, it does nothing. It doesn’t think, make plans, daydream - it receives a prompt and then calculates the response with highest probability of fitting into the texts it has been trained with.

Agreed. It also doesn’t really change the subject, take anything personally, etc. To me a key difference is if there’s an animus behind things. This sophisticated Eliza doesn’t appear to have that.

There’s a reason we tend to refer to it as Machine Learning rather than AI these days. The models we generate are vastly less sophisticated than the brain of your average household pet, including fish. But the models we create can be trained on vast data sets beyond what any one brain gets exposed to. ML is great for teasing out patterns or correlations in data sets and repeating them back to you, but not so great for any original thinking. Business loves it as it can help tease out details that help the line go up. Law enforcement seems to love it because it “feels objective” (it’s not).
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1535975203729297410/
According to the Wikipedia article, the Greenland shark reaches sexual maturity at 150 years-of-age. That's a long time to wait. I can just imagine the Mom and Dad sharks discussing their offspring: "Hey, Joey's almost 130. Don't you think it's time to have that talk with him?"