I like random stuff...

What was the thinking involved here?

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1385921307372572674/
Not sure how much more unexpectedly random you can get

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1386512168502403080/

Glenn Close doing "tha Butt"
I wish I could wake up in the morning and have my hair not look like a chicken that’s received an electric shock.

I'm always amused by comparison pictures.

If you're not familiar with these two, one is a dastardly villain. The other is The Penguin.

this was a accident it was on the floor in our bedroom and my squeeze bottle of antacids fell over and dribbled.
An 87-year-old woman in a nursing home got a bit of dinner lodged in her throat and was choking when another resident spun her around, put his arms around her and violently compressed her chest. On the third try, the offending morsel sailed out of her throat.

The man, who had never before employed this technique himself, was the 96-year-old Dr Henry Heimlich.
An 87-year-old woman in a nursing home got a bit of dinner lodged in her throat and was choking when another resident spun her around, put his arms around her and violently compressed her chest. On the third try, the offending morsel sailed out of her throat.

The man, who had never before employed this technique himself, was the 96-year-old Dr Henry Heimlich.
His memory probably wasn’t what it used to be, or he lied about an incident 16 years earlier.

In either case - good work old man, and rest in peace.