I like random stuff...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1408790487553777678/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1408790810775240708/
This thumbnail just makes me laugh


It's a thumbnail for a Youtube video titled, "Karen messed with the wrong royal guard"
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1408790487553777678/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1408790810775240708/

That was __crazy__, and I understand the Tour organization is suing the dude who caused this.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1412245668681326592/

That's super cool. Kinda wish there there been walkways in the center perpendicular to the bridge extending over the water. It would have given it much more of a knot look from above in my opinion. But it's still really cool.
Way too soon to burn my Indians hat... this one ended up a 10-3 rout of the Orioles.

Moving right along: A dainty ballet move by a couple of Tampa Bay Ray guys (joined at both hip and toe!) occurred during what was first scored as a hit for Cleveland, but "for some reason" was later deemed an error, putting Cleveland in the books with the extra ignominy of having suffered a 7-inning no-hitter while being swept 8-1, 4-0 in its double-header engagement with the Rays the other night.

Tampa Bay Rays Ballet.jpg

Still not burning my Indians hat though: Cleveland manager Francona sent a couple videos up the chain to the powers that be at the MLB, complaining that Mercado's hit was indeed a righteous HIT and that the Rays' ballet move was no error, just the outcome of a couple of infielders' normal efforts to convert a ground ball hit to an out.

A reversal would not affect the score but might salve some Indians' morale, and also erase some other awkwardnesses:

1) there are some arcane rules in the MLB stat-keepers' books about when and how the dread "no-hitter" tag can officially be laid on a 7-inning game, and those critereria were not met in that game anyway, and​
2) in the same game in an earlier inning, with the Rays at bat, a similar collision between infielders was not ruled an error, so the Rays' batter was awarded a hit. Hence Francona sending up videos of both plays with a big question mark.​

Yeah I know this belongs in some baseball thread, and yeah I'm replying to my own previous post in this thread instead, out of sheer laziness. Clearly some moderation is required. Ta!
In another thread, I used the common term of "color me <insert adjective here>” - and I remember there was a “Color me happy” comic strip in the newspaper when I was a kid.

I decided to look it up, and that comic strip originated in the Buffalo Evening News (yes my hometown paper which I also delivered as a kid). I guess it became a nationwide (maybe worldwide?) phenomenon with “Color Me Happy” appearing on all sorts of products.

Pretty cool - I never realized the strip originated in my hometown... always assumed it was just a nationally syndicated strip from the beginning or something.
