I like random stuff...


For the randomness.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437645021860098051/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1437296588997550081/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436566180412596234/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1436199492001304588/

The ultimate midlife crisis vehicle purchase is up for auction.
The listing is, um,

Conditions of Sale:
Expressions of Madness are invited to tender for this collection of vehicles from the Wasteland.

Express your madness now! Call Head of Lloyds Classic Car Auctions-Asia Pacific, Mr Frank Cheney.
Australia: 0498 623 629
International: +61 498 623 629

Payment can be accepted in any currency, including cryptocurrencies as we outrun the end of civilisation.

Nitrous, no-nonsense shipping can be arranged for anywhere in what’s left of the World.

High octane offers close 7pm AEST on September 26th. In a world where there's barely one of anything, to show you have power, be the man who's got two of everything.
Random stuff is great unless it gives the other guy a leg up. Just ask the Yankees after their latest go around with Cleveland. Some weekends just don't match expectations.

If the Yankees don’t reach the postseason -- they opened the day one-half game out of the second wild card -- they will remember this series. They pounded Cleveland on Friday, 8-0, but were on the wrong end of 11-3 and and 11-1 beatings on Saturday and Sunday.

source: https://www.cleveland.com/tribe/202...-indians-pounds-yankees-gerrit-cole-11-1.html