I like random stuff...

I still love his Hell in a Cell matches. 🤣 🤣 🤣
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1449520926987636740/
The thing that blows my mind is it winds up being super cheap for two meals a day! Plus you get a year of park access and free parking.

I mean, if you only ate there 1/2 of the year, but both meals, and you ate an equivalent of $5 per meal, hahaha, that's $1825.00 :D
Don’t know if this has been posted but it makes me laugh and laugh. Subject is an IKEA employee.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1384517698307121153/
I had the grandkids over the weekend (sleepover), and they reminded me of something...

Years back, the girls used have this baby doll that, if you squeezed its tummy, it would laugh. Now, not infrequently, such toys would be designed with the power switch buried in some difficult-to-reach place beneath the doll's clothing. Consequently the kids would usually just leave the toys on, since the toys remained inert when not played with.

In most cases that was okay. But this one must have been simpatico with the lighting dimmers I put in the house. Every so often, after 11 or so on the way to bed, I'd slide the dimmer down to OFF, only to hear a child-like voice in the pitch black house behind me, a few seconds later, start to cackle............. :oops:

Yes, I know that the doll was picking up some spurious frequency from the power switch, but I still wanted to chop that thing's head off and bury it.
The thing that blows my mind is it winds up being super cheap for two meals a day! Plus you get a year of park access and free parking.

I mean, if you only ate there 1/2 of the year, but both meals, and you ate an equivalent of $5 per meal, hahaha, that's $1825.00 :D
I'm sure that rosuvastatin and antihypertensives will be more expensive over time than whatever money he saved.... Funny story though. I always felt that SFMM was way overrated, but I guess I was wrong:)
This is pretty funny

Ohio printed thirty-five thousand license plates featuring the Wright Brothers first aeroplane flying a banner that reads "Birthplace of Aviation". Then somebody remembered that the Wright Flyer's empennage (rudders and elevator) were canard-style: the banner is issuing out the front of the plane.

That right there is some seriously trick flying.