I like random stuff...

This Indianapolis house looks very nice, peaceful, conservative....

Until you get to the basement.

This Indianapolis house looks very nice, peaceful, conservative....

Until you get to the basement.

They certainly like their colored LED lights for sure.

Still a lot of house for the price.
You didn’t notice the strip club in the basement?

No I did not. :eek:

I was focused on the lights and didn't notice the poles were stripper poles.

Wow. Just wow.

Ironically, off the same street but father south at 56th and Fall Creek where my wife lived with her mom when we met, were two house combined together and were owned by a guy who owned strip clubs and liquor stores. The outside was garish and tacky and if you drove by on a weekend night there was always a "party" going on. Haven't been by there in a while to see if it still looks the same.

Still a good price for that house on the reservoir.
So meetings that run way too long are not a modern invention....

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1477361390490816512/
I find this hilarious as I was recently roped into a conference call with a bunch of octogenarians. I simply set it up for them, emailed the participants the details to join. Somehow I became the secretary for the ad-hoc committee. My report is filled with discussions abbreviated as there was lots of cussing, shouting and airing of decades old grievances between some participants. Of course, not a single soul asked for the minutes after I wasted nearly two hours on this "meeting" on a weekend night. I'm ignoring emails and voicemails about setting up a Zoom meeting for the same group.
I like typos. They are especially good when prominently combined with other errors. Especially when a professional-type source should know better. Like a news wire service, where they are supposed to hire people who know better.


One of the best I ever saw was a small college catalog we printed, which had a banner across the top, "Finding Your Nitch". We all laughed pretty hard at that one.
I just wish we had the video,

Alcester Police say an officer with Beresford Police tried to pull over a car that was speeding just after 3 a.m. Saturday. The vehicle sped off, reaching speeds over 100 mph.

During the chase, the woman tried to throw a large bag of meth out of the window. However, it wasn’t tied and most of the drugs blew back inside the car

comedy gold