I like random stuff...

I guess this refers to some criminal case? says William stole this van
Because, it's timely

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1544490105636671488/

It was a little quieter here this year – which is not saying much. In recent years, the 4th has been a solid wall of noise from about 6pm to 1am; this year the serious fireworks started more like 8pm and tapered off by midnight.

Still, in the 8~10 square mile area that I can describe as earshot, there was, by my estimation, about a quarter million dollars worth of ordnance fired off. Houses nearby were launching big mortars that produce elaborate displays, some whistling, howling or popping like popcorn. And the occasional massive detonation that sounded like someone's garage exploding.

In all of that, I heard one siren (though I was not outside most of the time, as the air was rasp-inducingly thick with sulfur). Where do these people scrape up the funds to buy this stuff, and are all their penises really that small?
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Oh no! I hope he finds her soon…
Once again from my friend Bernie: Dems win and go home. Republicans lose and go to work. Voters can't simply vote and then expect everything to be done for them. They have to stay on top of those they vote in office, and more important: watch over those they didn't put in office. It's never about One & Done. Voting is not the end of your obligation. You have to make sure shit gets done, or done right.

The same energy that lead to the 1st Women's March and midterm pickups for Dems in the off-year and midterm elections after Mango captured the White House should have been maintained. But too many went to sleep or even voted for Mango and his minions. If they stay home this year and/or don't fight for their preferred candidates, oh well...
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1545231935072518144/

Bonus points if you know the movie without googling