I prefer pets you feed every 3 days or so

Chew Toy McCoy

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Aug 15, 2020
My roommate recently got a puppy and while I like dogs and plan to spend some quality time with it and help out with the responsibilities from time to time, it almost instantly struck me that I prefer my more exotic pets that I don’t have to feed several times a day or even daily. If I want to head out for a day or 3 it's not a problem. My pets will be fine.

Not to mention the whole going to the bathroom thing I don’t need to worry about, except for the rare out of the enclosure accident. I once had a monkey tail skink which are kind of well known for eating their own poop. Gross? Sure, but great for keeping the enclosure clean (not recommended as your only cleaning practice. That makes you a bad parent).
My roommate recently got a puppy and while I like dogs

I love dogs as well and always had one growing up. But cats are so much easier.

You can easily go away for the night or even 2 and as long as they have food/water and a clean box, they will be fine. Probably pissed and will take a 💩 behind the door in protest of being left.
I love dogs as well and always had one growing up. But cats are so much easier.

You can easily go away for the night or even 2 and as long as they have food/water and a clean box, they will be fine. Probably pissed and will take a 💩 behind the door in protest of being left.

We had both cats and dogs when I was growing up. I’ve considered getting a cat several times but am pretty much over that. They’re just too self important. It’s like adopting a trust fund baby that’s completely incapable of contributing anything back. On that note, there’s also the possible big elder animal expenses with more traditional pets like cats and dogs. You should probably have at least $2k socked away in preparation for that.

I saw an article earlier titled something like “Do cats just think you are a bigger cat? Maybe.” That made me laugh.
Before we got our greyhound, my wife and I only had a cat, and I loved that we could leave for up to 3-4 days and not worry about him. He is toilet trained and we used to have an automatic flusher on the toilet so we could leave for the weekend and just leave him enough food, and come back to an apartment that didn't smell or anything. Now, with the dog, we have to make arrangements.