That's good to know your mobile support experience was positive, I mean, I'd rather avoid service, but if it has to happen, that's a nice option.
Mobile service is VERY convenient...they will come to wherever you park your car (work, home, etc). They can fix a lot of things.
For those Tesla owners, I would highly recommend hooking up with your local owners club. top right, find a club
You can get a lot of information from other owners, get help with any issues you might have, etc. The president of the club (like me, I'm the president of the Kentucky club) has a contact within Tesla that can (hopefully) get any issues resolved.
Some may see me as a "fan boy", but I consider myself the same as I was when Apple was releasing the original colored iMacs (anyone remember which song and sung by which group? if you do, you are an Apple fan boy haha)
I'm just super pleased with my purchase. There are a LOT more people who my wife would call tesla-nerds (Ryan McCaffrey with the podcast Ride the Lightning...super fanboy). What is really funny is that my wife calls me a nerd, yet when we go to a club meetup (usually at a car show), and when people approach to ask questions, she's right there answering them.
Sure, it's great for the environment as far as the no pollution coming out of a tailpipe, but I love the car more for the acceleration and tech. Does it look like a sports car like a corvette, ferrari, camaro? nope, and that's another reason why I like it...I look like some dumb dude in a white car. But meet me at a stoplight and rev your engine...I'm gone...see ya. I'll even slow down and let you catch up.

I don't know how many times I get mustang owners (or mouse as my dad called his 70 Mustang) flooring it trying to catch me. They will eventually, but hey, who just got embarrassed?
as for the white seats vs black seats, yeah, the white is more comfortable, but honestly, I like the black too. If you got the 18" stock wheels for your 3, check these out: I have seen them in person and they look VERY sharp and actually might get better efficiency than the stock ones.