iOS/iPadOS 16 Betas


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Sep 26, 2021
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Installing the developer beta on my. 2018 12” iPad Pro now. “Preparing Update.”

Looking forward to seeing what has actually been implemented so far. Hoping the new windows management stuff is there.
Looks like sideloading acts via Xcode won’t work now unless you put the device in something called “Developer Mode” in the system settings (under privacy and security). Once you do that, you will be get security warnings when you try to install stuff - but if you don’t do it, then the stuff won;t install. So apple is actually locking down iOS even further :-)
Well, if this thing supports Stage Director, I haven’t figured out how to trigger it yet.
Also can’t figure out a way to edit the Lock Screen. Maybe also not enabled yet. Haven’t found the release notes.
M1 only, apparently

And so I sit here on my M1 ipad, wondering whether it is safe to install the beta.,.. :-)

In my limited testing, it was pretty stable, and my work email and everything worked. Only issue i saw was in the new weather app, where it refused to load weather for some of my locations.
It occurs to me that i should never see tabs reloading due to memory pressure in safari now… need to test that out.
And so I sit here on my M1 ipad, wondering whether it is safe to install the beta.,.. :)

In my limited testing, it was pretty stable, and my work email and everything worked. Only issue i saw was in the new weather app, where it refused to load weather for some of my locations.
Seems very stable on my iPad (12.9” A12X). Weather app works for all my locations too, except when opening the precipitation map (it lags badly). Thinking of installing it on my iPhone now actually.

I wonder whether the swap to disk feature works on all iPads or is M1 only too.
Seems very stable on my iPad (12.9” A12X). Weather app works for all my locations too, except when opening the precipitation map (it lags badly). Thinking of installing it on my iPhone now actually.

I wonder whether the swap to disk feature works on all iPads or is M1 only too.

That is one I thought might be limited to M1, as I wasn’t sure how the TLBs and everything work on the A-series chips, but who knows.
Ok, installing the beta on my iPad Pro M1. Gulp.

I guess I’ll have to download Xcode as well, which is always a clusterf*#*.
Did the DTK support swap? I can’t recall.
I assumed it did since I didn’t heard anyone saying otherwise. But it was under NDA.

Looks like sideloading acts via Xcode won’t work now unless you put the device in something called “Developer Mode” in the system settings (under privacy and security).
Thanks! I couldn‘t find it.
It occurs to me that i should never see tabs reloading due to memory pressure in safari now… need to test that out.

Depends. WebKit on iOS has an undocumented memory limit (there’s both a soft and a hard cap) that is likely the cause of the tab reloads. You’ll get the tab reloads long before you run out of memory on modern iOS devices, even ignoring the M1 iPads.

Was going to post the same. If the A12Z supported swap then it stands to reason that the A12X could too.

Yeah, the page file is more a kernel feature that Apple disabled on iOS’ xnu config/builds. It’s been a full VM implementation on iOS for as long as I’ve been developing on it. iOS has been heavily dependent on being able to fault in code pages, mmap’d pages, etc to keep RAM usage down that there’s nearly zero chance the VM implementation wasn’t equivalent to what was available on macOS, even going back to the iPad 2, these tricks were everywhere in the OS.

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