iOS/iPadOS 16 Beta Issues

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Sep 26, 2021
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This is a wiki post, where folks can list issues they’ve found in the betas.



OS Features​

When trying to drag a window resize handle with stage manager enabled, sometimes you can’t. The issue seems to occur when two handles from two windows overlap (or nearly overlap)​
Not a bug (probably), but tapping the background when in stage manager feels like it should reveal the springboard, but it does not.​
Not a bug (probably), but apps that are designed to run full-screen cannot “window” with other apps; because of that, they should just automatically run full screen in stage manager, and not be shrunk to a smallish window (that can be manually maximized). This is especially the case if you are using stage manager without the dock and the recent apps list.​
Maybe a bug: when a window is not maximized, certain gestures don’t work (like tapping the top of the window to jump to the top of a list)​
It’s difficult to tell what the apps in the stage manager app list are sometimes, because they are small screenshots and aren’t labeled.​
Scrollbars: sometimes the vertical scroll bar that shows up when you scroll UITableViews is in the wrong place when the window is not full-screen - the scroll bar shows up sometimes in the middle of the window. Killing the app and restarting solves it. So far I’ve only seen this twice, both times in​

Books App​

Opening a book shows no text - you can turn from page to page, but all the pages are blank. UPDATE: turns out the issue was that adds some new text customization options, and it defaulted, in my case, to white text on a white background. It may have something to do with a bug where it doesn’t like when your device is in night mode even though it is day time.​

Mail App​

Not a bug, but an annoyance: the same “left arrow” icon means “reply” at the top of the screen but “miscellaneous things you can do” at the bottom of the screen.​

Music App​

Apple Music features don’t work unless connected to wifi - connecting by 5G or LTE produces a “you’re offline” message.​

Third Party Software​

Using MobileIron MDM, apps that are managed by MobileIron and which need to launch MobileIron in order to start up don’t work because MobileIron crashes before it returns control to the app you are trying to launch.​
Bugs when using physical keyboard:​
Both of the following problems appear related to the app sometimes reserving space for the soft keyboard even though the soft keyboard is not present:​
In Duolingo, while doing lessons, the text and controls jump around, as if the app gets confused about the window size.​
In Citrix, a keyboard bar runs horizontally across the middle (vertical) of the screen, just above where the soft keyboard would be if there were one.​
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The iOS and watch betas drain my battery real bad, no idea whether it’s a common problem or not…
The iOS and watch betas drain my battery real bad, no idea whether it’s a common problem or not…
Not too unusual for betas. Not seeing much difference on ipados so far.
Playing around, I think my mobileiron issue is that it is trying to read the pasteboard without the newly required permissions, and dies. I don’t see anywhere to enable the permissions in, so it might require a second beta or update to the app.
Well, that ain’t right…


And the date changes depending on what app I launch. It’s like it gets stuck on whatever day I first ran it after the update?
Now my iPad is getting a little crashy… (details in the original post)
Was running Beta 2 on my ipad for less than 10 minutes and had the “system swipes don’t work” issue already once. It’s pretty annoying. The issue with mobile iron launching other apps and crashing still not resolved (but I am more confident now that it is an issue with failure to obtain clipboard permissions)
Not the beta, but I just put 16.1 on my regular iPad and it has an odd behavior. When I open the appwad that I have in the dock, the screen blur and appwad view are offset downward by about the height of the dock, and when I exit that app, the situation is the same. No other appwads (out on the homescreen) exhibit this behavior.
Not the beta, but I just put 16.1 on my regular iPad and it has an odd behavior. When I open the appwad that I have in the dock, the screen blur and appwad view are offset downward by about the height of the dock, and when I exit that app, the situation is the same. No other appwads (out on the homescreen) exhibit this behavior.
I’m now on 16.2 beta, and am still seeing lots of bugs. A lot of bugs with picture-in-picture video. Stage Manager is still very buggy - when I have two windows side by side (like a Split View) and try and make one taller, the other gets shorter, and vice versa.

The Freeform app, on the other hand, is *very* nice already. I will likely use it instead of Notes for most purposes, at least on iPad. (I’m keeping my phone on 16.1 for now).
The Freeform app, on the other hand, is *very* nice already. I will likely use it instead of Notes for most purposes, at least on iPad. (I’m keeping my phone on 16.1 for now).

That's what I'm waiting for. Think I'll be using it a lot. Suspect my wife will too.
Started with 16.1 on my 5th gen iPad and it’s generally more stuttery than before. Hanging up at weird times. Safari is running like hot garbage. Gawd, I need a new iPad, I don’t know why I’m trying to keep this thing alive.
Started with 16.1 on my 5th gen iPad and it’s generally more stuttery than before. Hanging up at weird times. Safari is running like hot garbage. Gawd, I need a new iPad, I don’t know why I’m trying to keep this thing alive.
I have the next model up, and it is mostly like butter. I have not used Flight Pilot much lately (since before 16) because it has started to [something] donkey [somethings] (wants to be upside down), but almost everything else is as it was.
You can’t change the new clock font on the lock screen with iPadOS 16 but you CAN change it on iOS 16. And that’s intentional. Is this a psychological experiment to see how I’ll react?
I just with there was a way to change the default font for, basically, everything. My font of choice right now is Optima. Who cares? Granted, Helvetica is adequate for most uses, but at my age it has one glaring downside.

6 vs 6

Having the roof over sixes / the floor under nines makes it hard for me to distinguish them from eights or zeros at small sizes. The diagonal tail makes it much easier to tell what number I am looking at. Also, Optima has a nice clean look.
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