iPhone notifications silenced setting on its own?

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020
I don't know if this is a recent iOS bug/feature but in the last week I've noticed two people having notifications silenced (Messages lets you know that) who would probably never use that or even know what it is, one is pretty much running a business 24/7 and the other I think is mentally incapable of ever being detached from the digital leash. Anybody else noticing this?
I don't know if this is a recent iOS bug/feature but in the last week I've noticed two people having notifications silenced (Messages lets you know that) who would probably never use that or even know what it is, one is pretty much running a business 24/7 and the other I think is mentally incapable of ever being detached from the digital leash. Anybody else noticing this?

Randomly yes. At first I thought it was just because for some reason Ford's SYNC system silences text notifications. So I assumed when I saw them, but didn't hear a tone, it was because they came while connected to SYNC.

But this past week we took the wife's car to visit the offspring and there were a couple of times the phone was sitting out and never made a sound when a text came through.
There is a current bug I’ve seen for people still on iOS 14 who keep their phones on silent (notifications on, but sound off.) When they interact with people on iOS 15, it notifies others that they have notifications silenced. Updating to ios15 fixes this issue and offers a prompt to disable this from
I don't know if this is a recent iOS bug/feature but in the last week I've noticed two people having notifications silenced (Messages lets you know that) who would probably never use that or even know what it is, one is pretty much running a business 24/7 and the other I think is mentally incapable of ever being detached from the digital leash. Anybody else noticing this?

They might just have an unintended Focus set on, or an immediate Do Not Disturb setting... it can be a little confusing how to work those out at first compared to Do Not Disturb options in earlier iOS versions.

Sometimes people turn Do Not Disturb on (with immediate effect) "temporarily" and forget about it, sometimes people scroll down to arrange a regularly scheduled setting but think they have to turn the main Do Not Disturb on as well... Doing stuff like that may silence notifications unless exceptions are made per app.