Iranian Nuclear Scientist Assassinated, Israel Blamed

Palestine (and Arab countries) rejected the 1947 resolution. If Palestine had accepted it and not gone to war against Israel they would have enjoyed statehood for nearly 75 years.
I have no clue what was in that resolution as to why it was rejected and apparently am lazy when it comes to certain subjects. :unsure:
@Gutwrench, I agree with you on this subject matter to some extent.

Sometimes, individuals matter, and personally, I have always regretted the assassination of Mr Rabin, as I think that he could have made a difference had he lived.

In Europe, many on the left seek refuge behind attacking Zionism (a safe target, and one that merits attack, scrutiny and being made accountable for its actions) but, in reality (as the all too depressing split in the UK Labour Party and current suspension of Mr Corbyn amply demonstrates) are motivated by a sort of surreptitious anti-Semitism, not that they know - or, are prepared - to fully acknowledge for themselves, and so conflate the two, holding Israel to a consistently higher standard of conduct - as though the experience of the Shoah should require this in a philosophical, political, or spiritual sense, - than they expect or demand of its mostly political repellant neighbours.

Historically, in Europe, the Right have always been anti-Semitic, but, this is an area where the US is different.

I think that commentators should attempt to draw a distinction between governments of the right, and or the left, in Israel - by and large, left administrations have been more open to examining solutions that do not require bloodshed, force or violence - and attempt to hold the right - such as Mr Netanyahu - to account.

Long term, I cannot see anything other than a two state solution working, - and I support the continued existence of Israel - but that also means holding the Palestinians to account, and insisting that they adhere to standards they demand of others as a matter of course, standards which they don't always meet themselves, as their conduct while exiled in Jordan several decades ago suggests.
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