It is "Trump or Bust" for the GOP now


Site Master
Aug 11, 2020
Trump has completely taken over the Republican Party. Check out this information from FiveThirtyEight:

  • A new HuffPost/YouGov survey suggests that Trump now dominates the Republican Party he leads. Among Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016, 49 percent considered themselves more Trump backers than GOP backers, while 19 percent said they were more supporters of the GOP than they were supporters of Trump. Another 28 percent said they were supporters of both. And if there were a conflict between Trump and congressional Republicans, 61 percent said they’d be more likely to support Trump, compared with just 13 percent who would be predisposed to back Republicans on Capitol Hill instead.
This is why no Republicans will stand up to Trump. If he loses in November, it will be interesting to see what is left of the party.

In my opinion, they have veered farther and farther away from their principles over time and become the party of obstruction and grievance. Owning the libs and sticking it to the man is not effective once you actually have power though. So once Trump took power, there were no principles since the party had already abandoned them. If the party is just a cult of personality now, what will happen next?
They're going down with him like a burning ship and it will serve them right. Everything Conservatives have ever stood for has been tossed out the window to stroke the ego of a power hungry megalomaniac in a period of 4 years, hope it was worth it.
The party of personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, family values, God, sticking it to liberals.

Trump revealed as sticking it to [dead] members of the military and their surviving kin... is a new one for the GOP to wonder if they really need to be tolerating. They have lost not just principles but their fricken minds not to speak out en masse over that instead of piecemeal like it's happening. They were already starting to lose votes over Trump's antics w/ budget maneuvers. But mocking fallen soldiers as losers pretty much takes the cake.

how low can the GOP put the bar for him?.jpg
They are so far down it looks like up to them. Sadly, for normal people, the horse has been whipped so hard for so long that its pitiful cries have now merely become everpresent background noise. The Republicans could do the very worst thing imaginable and who would notice? Which is probably what they are banking on.

Trump is the only game in town, and he is so low they will have to lower a snare into the sceptic tank to snag a replacement to run in his place.


Here is the terrifying thought in all of this, this country is filled with enough pitiful losers that this wiggling excrement is a viable candidate for like what, 30% of our citizens? 😬

Btw have you ever seen the asshole of the country? It’s located somewhere in the South, and migrates around. A rare image of it:

Btw have you ever seen the asshole of the country? It’s located somewhere in the South, and migrates around. A rare image of it:


That’s just down the street. Bring a bag lunch and it makes for an entertaining afternoon.
Trump is the only game in town, and he is so low they will have to lower a snare into the sceptic tank to snag a replacement to run in his place.

Is that the swamp he was supposed to have drained?