Judge allows lawsuit against misleading movie trailer

Chew Toy McCoy

Site Donor
Aug 15, 2020

From the title this sounds like something we'd wish for but doesn't have legal ground, trailers misrepresenting what a movie is about (or a great looking movie actually being shit :ROFLMAO:), but the specifics of this case make sense....trailer showing a famous actress who is not even in the final cut of the movie.

A close second to this would be trailers showing scenes that aren't even in the movie, but there probably isn't a lot of ground for that one. But then again, this is about false advertising. I know I've watched movies waiting for a scene shown in a trailer that never happens.
By the same theory, can we sue politicians who make campaign ads where they lie? I don't mean stump speeches, but actual ads where they say: "I'm Joe Blowhard and I approved this ad".

Probably not, but it would be nice.
I'd be fine if they were just kicked out of office or were not allowed to assume the position to which they were elected. George Santos, who is a representative-elect from New York, is a particularly egregious example. It's hard to tell what's worse: that he felt it was OK to lie or that he was stupid enough to think he wouldn't get caught.

I know I've watched movies waiting for a scene shown in a trailer that never happens.

I've started to wonder if that's not just another telltale sign of mass cost-cutting... they can't even fix up a new trailer when they've made film editing decisions late in post-production?!

Anyway not sure which is worse, trailers like that (the ones I call "preview of deleted scenes" (!) or trailers that show everything of substance the movie actually has on offer, while of course exaggerating significance and removing context of those shots, and yet suggesting there is anything more to the film.

I don't complain as often about that stuff any more, but I find myself annoyed over feeling I should read a few reviews before being sucked into a movie based on its trailer. Mainstream outlet critics sometimes seem not to like ANY movies, and I can be a close second on that score myself, so I try to discount for that, but that does takes extra effort.

Maybe it's because I'm old but I don't like watching a movie and ending up feeling 30 minutes in that I've been had by either a blurb summary someplace, or else by a deceptive trailer. No one has time to waste, and for old folks there's even less of that left to begin with!
I've started to wonder if that's not just another telltale sign of mass cost-cutting... they can't even fix up a new trailer when they've made film editing decisions late in post-production?!

Anyway not sure which is worse, trailers like that (the ones I call "preview of deleted scenes" (!) or trailers that show everything of substance the movie actually has on offer, while of course exaggerating significance and removing context of those shots, and yet suggesting there is anything more to the film.

I don't complain as often about that stuff any more, but I find myself annoyed over feeling I should read a few reviews before being sucked into a movie based on its trailer. Mainstream outlet critics sometimes seem not to like ANY movies, and I can be a close second on that score myself, so I try to discount for that, but that does takes extra effort.

Maybe it's because I'm old but I don't like watching a movie and ending up feeling 30 minutes in that I've been had by either a blurb summary someplace, or else by a deceptive trailer. No one has time to waste, and for old folks there's even less of that left to begin with!
I hear you. I don't recall exactly how many movies I've walked out of, but it must be in the low single digits (not counting the time my very young son was too scared to stay). That was probably because it seemed wrong to leave a film I'd paid to watch, especially before digital alternatives became available. With streaming, I have fewer misgivings about abandoning a rental part way through, or I can resort to busying myself with my phone, something that's less acceptable in a theater.