judge throws out gun law, 10 people pay for it


Top Poster Of Month
Aug 14, 2020
Three Days ago a Colorado judge ruled that the city of Boulder's gun restrictions were an unconstitutional overreach, because only state or federal laws are allowed, tossing those local ordinances out.

So, here we are. What a coincidence.

Now is not the time to make a post about this or the time for me to respond to this post that it's not time for.
But when white supremacists commit racial murders, we need to understand them because they’re just a lone wolf having a bad day. Why does anybody, regardless of their race or religion, do these things?
And why was there not a good guy with a gun there to stop them?
And why was there not a good guy with a gun there to stop them?
Far-right nutters are already saying that. Perhaps there is a ban on bringing your weapon to that mall or something? We already have over 300 million guns in America, but for the gun-humpers, it is never enough.

Massive loss of life due to gun violence always causes the gun humpers to go into overdrive. They simultaneously tell everybody they need more guns to protect themselves while saying that it’s people who kill people, not the guns themselves…

The current interpretation of the 2nd amendment is absurd if you look at its history. It is not a blanket right that everybody is allowed to have their own personal military arsenal… but that is how the supreme court has decided it. They will keep expanding that right and shrinking the right to vote… then wonder why thousands of people used violence to attack the Capitol when they didn’t win an election. Everything they see from Washington is that violence is more important than voting when it comes to governing.
How the FUCK does this stat make sense?!

To understand why that is, there’s another important statistic: The US has by far the highest number of privately owned guns in the world. Estimated for 2017, the number of civilian-owned firearms in the US was 120.5 guns per 100 residents, meaning there were more firearms than people. The world’s second-ranked country was Yemen, a quasi-failed state torn by civil war, where there were 52.8 guns per 100 residents, according to an analysis from the 2018 Small Arms Survey.
Another way of looking at that: Americans make up less than 5 percent of the world’s population, yet they own roughly 45 percent of all the world’s privately held firearms.

That does not, however, mean that every American adult actually owns guns. In fact, gun ownership is concentrated among a minority of the US population, as surveys from the Pew Research Center and General Social Survey suggest.
Reading many of the comments online where some Americans are discussing this latest shooting and all the old excuses are coming out lol. They really can’t get their heads around the fact most developed countries seem to have citizens who can go about their daily lives without carrying a gun or having one in their homes.

Apparently we are weak, negligent, wish we were American, will die on our knees, get invaded regularly, have high knife crime even though the US has more, have acid attacks (these are incredibly rare), subservient to our government and the list goes on lol. My favourite has the be the fallacy about the Second World War being caused by people not having guns to defend themselves [emoji23]. I used to see all these points being made on Mac Rumours but I see them on pretty much every social media platform now. Do politicians and the media push this bullshit or something?? Far too many people seem to have bought into it.
I just saw the comments section of a news article on Facebook where a chap from Texas reckons there is a murder committed by stabbing every 30 seconds in the UK. He pulled that stat out of his rectum whilst defending himself against the Colorado shootings [emoji2359] [emoji23].
Reading many of the comments online where some Americans are discussing this latest shooting and all the old excuses are coming out lol. They really can’t get their heads around the fact most developed countries seem to have citizens who can go about their daily lives without carrying a gun or having one in their homes.
I just saw a picture of the guy who was picked up outside the official residence of the vice-president a few days ago with a rifle and five magazines holding over a hundred rounds.


l mean, l do not want to be judgemental, but that look is disturbing. To me, he looks psychotic (considering, of course, the situation he was found in). That thousand-mile stare. Then one considers the thing on January 6th along with the two months leading up to it ("stop the steal!") and it starts to look like the US has a derangement epidemic that is worse than its COVID epidemic.

I read an interesting discussion on what it is like to be psychotic: one's understanding of what reality is supposed to be does not align with what one is faced with, so there is something wrong with reality. We have been seeing quite a great deal of that in this country, and it does not seem to be a particularly new thing. America clearly needs some sort of mental health therapy.
I just saw the comments section of a news article on Facebook where a chap from Texas reckons there is a murder committed by stabbing every 30 seconds in the UK. He pulled that stat out of his rectum whilst defending himself against the Colorado shootings [emoji2359] [emoji23].
If they’d claimed “someone murdered by words” every 30 seconds in the UK I would absolutely have believed it.

But let’s see... One death by stabbity stab stab every 30 seconds, that’s roughly one million deaths per year or more than four hundred thousand more from that singular cause than the official number of total deaths per year. UK is obviously cooking the books!

This right here. The myth of the good guy with a gun has been invented to sell more guns. It’s not based on data, although there is some and depending on how you look at it, it can be framed as sound.

The reality is simple. The 2nd amendment needs to be repealed and/or replaced. Here’s why...

Argument — American citizens must be able to defend themselves against a tyrannical, Federal government.

Reality — The framers, according to vast majority of constitutional lawyers, intended for state militias to be armed, not necessarily for private citizens. It made sense back them, as states were free to join or leave the union and there was a fresh memory of monarchy rule. After the civil war, the path to secession was eliminated. Once a state becomes a state and joins the union, it can no longer secede, thus eliminating the need for a militia. Who are you going to revolt against?

Argument — Citizens must be armed to keep the government from taking away our rights.

Reality — A bunch of armed citizens are no match for the military might of the United States army. And that army? It’s us. Our fellow countryman and woman. I am pretty sure a militia unit from Michigan would be wiped out with a drone strike before the Marines even arrived. Plus, I’m pretty sure half of them would surrender in exchange for a McDonald’s McDouble within a day or two.

Argument — I have the right to protect myself and my family

Reality — You do, that is true. But the likelihood you’ll get sad and kill yourself or angry and kill someone else in your family is far higher than the likelihood you’ll be a victim of a violet assault on your home. That’s before accidental death. And before the gun being used by an unarmed intruder who got a hold of your own weapon and used it against you. It’s simply not reasonable. You also cannot be a responsible gun owner and be ready to defend yourself at a moments notice.

Argument — It’s a constitutional right and cannot be taken away.

Reality — Google “eighteen amendment.”

Having everyone be able to buy whatever gun they want when they want it is simply a bad idea and it’s time to change this...
Many people that buy the gun argument will say “but I need it to defend myself!” From what? About 6 people per 100,000 are murdered each year. But the way the gun lovers talk about it, you’d think it was 6 of 10. Funny thing is, if we didn’t have so many guns, the number of murders would be even lower.