Kanye West, the media's predictable cycle, and the rise of reactionism

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"You make it sound like he casually observing there’s a lot of Jewish people in the music industry or the media. He explicitly claims Jews controls the music industry and controlling the media. He then blames the media and music industry for promoting abortion which he believes a genocide against black people and that the Jews financially profit from this. To summarize, he believes Jews are creating a genocide against black people and have a financial interest in doing so."

I don't know much about the music industry, but I can say when it comes to the media, YES, the high majority of executives of most major news media (TV, Radio, and Newspaper) outlets are Jewish. And the list you posted of the music industry is just CEOs. There a ton of executives that have major influence as well.

"Why would you assume that it was Jews that were responsible for brands dropping Kanye?"

Because Jewish leaders were on the media and stated they made calls to businesses asking them to drop Kanye.
Here's some proof ... https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1584622685027328001/

"If a white celebrity said Black people are responsible for all the crime and they ruin white society, I imagine you would not casually accept that as a valid claim or being respectful of the Black community. I wouldn’t. If this celebrity was cancelled would you blame Black people?"

That's happened too many times to count. And the outcome usually depends on the situation. You'll be amazingly surprised how many celebs (that said things towards blacks) were forgiven by Black America. Many that are still in the spotlight.

"I would suggest you think more deeply about Kanye’s comments about Jews and educate yourself about antisemitism and it’s history. I’m not sure if you’ve heard many of his comments either across multiple interviews. Trying to logically justify the irrational thoughts of a manic is not a road you want to go down."

I'm not trying to justify any of his actions. But Kanye has brought up some talking points. Talking points that instead of any legit discussion by Jewish leaders to hash out misunderstandings, are just meet with "You're Anti-Semitic".

You forgot to explain to me how Jews are responsible for the genocide of Black babies.

And what are the talking points Kanye brings up? I’ll ignore the explicitly antisemitic parts. There’s a lot of Jews who work in Media… And???

Have you considered that so many people- “The Jewish Leaders”, the media, many non-Jewish people have callled his comments antisemitic because they are?

I’m pretty sure he would have lost his contracts regardless of anyone asking for it. Kellogg’s dropped Michael Phelps over a picture of him smoking pot.

Intended or not, this is what this kind of language instigates:

The White House condemned him

And as is pretty standard operating procedure when a celebrity says something antisemitic, the LA Holocaust Museum invited him for a tour. If this isn’t an olive branch and an opportunity for redemption, IDK what is.

Kanye West Digs In On Antisemitism, Compares His Experience To George Floyd Murder​

"God has showed me by what Adidas is doing, by what the media is doing, I know how it feels to have a knee on my neck now," the disgraced rapper said


Kanye West Digs In On Antisemitism, Compares His Experience To George Floyd Murder​

"God has showed me by what Adidas is doing, by what the media is doing, I know how it feels to have a knee on my neck now," the disgraced rapper said

Really, if you think about, if someone tells you that you’re being anti-semitic, that’s no different than what Hitler did to the jews.
Maybe someone should have Ye listen to "The Story of OJ" again and again till he understands what the rest of us know.
I'm not trying to justify any of his actions. But Kanye has brought up some talking points. Talking points that instead of any legit discussion by Jewish leaders to hash out misunderstandings, are just meet with "You're Anti-Semitic".

How many times do we need to rehash the same discussions about the same conspiracy theories that were proven to be complete bullshit decades ago?

I mean, comeon, he's just a hop, skip, and a jump away from mentioning blood libel by this point.
Really, if you think about, if someone tells you that you’re being anti-semitic, that’s no different than what Hitler did to the jews.

The real racists are the people who point out the racism in others, cuz they wouldn't know they were being racist unless someone who knew what racism looks like told them it was racist. And who knows what racism looks like more than racists?
Here's Kyrie Irving, sounding a lot like Kanye:

Also claiming he can't be anti-Semitic because black people are the true Jews. This is definitely a thing among some black Americans and it's bigoted bullshit.
Here's Kyrie Irving, sounding a lot like Kanye:

Also claiming he can't be anti-Semitic because black people are the true Jews. This is definitely a thing among some black Americans and it's bigoted bullshit.

They don’t read the Torah. They don’t read the Talmud. They don’t fast on Yom Kippur. They don’t keep kosher. Their grandparents weren’t killed by Hitler. They can’t read Hebrew. They weren’t bar mitvah‘d. They thank Jesus, not hashem, when they score baskets or their albums go platinum. They know they aren’t jews. They claim to be jews for the same reason Tim Whatley converted to judaism on Seinfeld. If you’re jewish, then surely you can’t be anti-semitic, no matter nonsense you spout, right?
Upgraded from a LIKE to a LOVE for the Tim Whatley reference :D

Tim Whatley: All right, it is cavity time. Ah, here we go. Which reminds me, did you here the one about the rabbi and the farmer's daughter? Huh?
Jerry: Hey.
Tim Whatley: "Those aren't matzo balls."
Jerry: Tim, do you think you should be making jokes like that?
Tim Whatley: Why not? I'm Jewish, remember?
Jerry: I know, but...
Tim Whatley: Jerry, it's our sense of humor that sustained us as a people for 3,000 years.
Jerry: 5,000.
Tim Whatley: 5,000. Even better. Okay, Chrissie. Give me a shtickl of fluoride.
Here's Kyrie Irving, sounding a lot like Kanye:

Also claiming he can't be anti-Semitic because black people are the true Jews. This is definitely a thing among some black Americans and it's bigoted bullshit.
The NBA gave him a 5 game suspension so at least there's that, his excuse of "Hey, I didn't make the video" didn't go over well.

Kanye West Can't Sell 'White Lives Matter' Shirts For A Perfect Reason​

Ramses Ja and Quinton Ward, hosts of the national racial justice radio show “Civic Cipher” in Phoenix, trademarked the phrase for use on clothing last month.

The two friends took control of the trademark when it became clear that Ye or one of his “zealot” followers could profit from the phrase. They regard owning the trademark as a serious “responsibility” that includes ensuring it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.
Ye “says some really hurtful, divisive and sometimes crazy things,” Ward told CNN. “He has a bit of a zealot following, and every time he releases something, it sells out.”

Kanye West Can't Sell 'White Lives Matter' Shirts For A Perfect Reason​

Ramses Ja and Quinton Ward, hosts of the national racial justice radio show “Civic Cipher” in Phoenix, trademarked the phrase for use on clothing last month.

The two friends took control of the trademark when it became clear that Ye or one of his “zealot” followers could profit from the phrase. They regard owning the trademark as a serious “responsibility” that includes ensuring it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.
Ye “says some really hurtful, divisive and sometimes crazy things,” Ward told CNN. “He has a bit of a zealot following, and every time he releases something, it sells out.”

when you register a trademark it has to be because you have the intention to use it at some point in commerce. they may have a hard time defending the trademark since their goal is really to *prevent* its use in commerce. So, while I applaud the effort, it’s unlikely they can actually prevent kanye from doing anything.
But the move could delay him merchandising it while it's still a hot, trending phrase, right?

Well, he might be scared off, but I doubt it. Generally people do what they’re going to do and the litigation comes later. And I doubt these two have the $$ to wage a real scary lawsuit against him.
It’s hard to tell if this is some mental crisis, a publicity stunt, a combo of both or what.

Really gross to see it playing out.
It’s hard to tell if this is some mental crisis, a publicity stunt, a combo of both or what.

Really gross to see it playing out.
He’s just trying to distract from the fact that he just put 3500 people or so out on the street.
It’d be more like if a group of white people claimed they were black because they originated in Africa, then proceeded to denigrate actual black people and defend it by saying “I can’t be racist against black people because I’m black too”.
It’d be more like if a group of white people claimed they were black because they originated in Africa, then proceeded to denigrate actual black people and defend it by saying “I can’t be racist against black people because I’m black too”.

I'm not asking about any comments from individuals. I'm simply asking, is it considered anti-semitic, to believe or suggest that Biblical Hebrews were black?