Keeping Track of Your Wallet and Phone


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Aug 11, 2020
I frequently visit the grocery store in my work out attire, gym shorts with pockets. i frequently enter the store holding both my phone and wallet in one hand. If I’m thinking about them, no problem. However after setting my phone down once at a self check out cash register (leaving it) and leaving it in a shopping cart in the parking lot of the grocery store, I acquired a phone strap and frequently hang it around my neck.

I mentioned gym shorts which have short pockets, and on one occasion several months ago, with my wallet in a pocket, after returning to my car, I discovered my wallet was missing. After searching for it, including returning to the store I discovered as I sat down it had slipped out of my pocket fell down and slid under the driver’s seat.

On Monday I left the house holding a box, phone and wallet headed for the gym. To make a semi-long story short, at the gym, I discovered my wallet was missing and several hours later discovered it laying in the grass in the front yard next to where I park the car.

Now besides the possible senior moments perception of this narrative, which requires no discussion, 😛 I’d like to ask does anyone have experience with the credit card sized USB trackers that can be placed in your wallet and located with a phone app?

I’ve been looking online and see some with 1 year batteries (that then the card must be replaced) and others with rechargeable batteries that last 2-5 months per charge, and one with a replaceable battery. They run $20-40.
Can you leave your wallet in the car and use your phone for contactless payment?

I don’t know if you wear an Apple Watch, but I use to it at the check out 99% of the time. Phone and wallet never leave my pocket or even comes with me.
Can you leave your wallet in the car and use your phone for contactless payment?

I don’t know if you wear an Apple Watch, but I use to it at the check out 99% of the time. Phone and wallet never leave my pocket or even comes with me.
I was just going to say the same thing, I use my Apple Watch for nearly everything now. It's saved my ass a couple of times now when I've left my wallet at home.
Maybe 6 years ago, I started keeping my phone in my front right pocket only and keys/(very slim) wallet in my front left pocket only. Also, before I leave the house I do a PKW (phone keys wallet) shoutout. It‘s become common to shout it out among my friends whenever we’re departing.

Those two habits have virtually eliminated me looking for that crap.
See post on the other place :D