Kyle Rittenhouse Marks Thanksgiving Promoting Violent Video Game Starring Himself


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shooting media turkeys?
Kyle Rittenhouse on Thursday — Thanksgiving — shared a video on Twitter promoting a video game in which a character based on himself shoots turkeys that symbolize the “fake news” media.
Rittenhouse appears in the spot for “Kyle Rittenhouse’s Turkey Shoot” with the game’s developer, Mint Chip.


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He’s the next Zimmerman. How often do you hear about that sack of mixed nuts? He was the right’s anti-hero for a minute. So was Cliven Bundy. Then they proved to be everything they were accused of and the right rarely mentions them, though I’d guess most would still defend them if forced. Rittenhouse will be next, just a social pariah trying to milk a meager living out of whatever gaggle of misfits continues to support him. He can sell photos at gun shows for $5 each - won’t affect my day. I doubt he’s smart or savvy enough to spin his notoriety into any lasting fame or influence.


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Beaverton, OR
I've not seen the game nor do I have plans to seek it out. But based on the description and the video they posted, this sounds like the level of game that was cheap promotional fodder for cereal companies and fast food joints of yesteryear. Toss in the political angle of the turkeys representing the "fake news", and I think what you end up with is much worse than a turkey. I expect this one won't be breaking any sales records.


Mama's lil stinker
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All he did was fly to the location of the protests, arm himself with an assault weapon, charged people and then murdered them. I mean if you can't remain calm and have an open mind about it then the we just can't have a reasonable conversation.



Mama's lil stinker
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Every time he opens his mouth...



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I agree with the courts decision that Rittenhouse legally acted in self defense. That said, I can’t even begin to explain how incredibly stupid he was there in the first place. Frankly, his mother should be charged with some sort of child endangerment or negligence.

The entire series of events the lead to the shootings are tragic. It’s reprehensible to see him use his previous circumstances and injury/deaths of others for profit and political BS.

I actually have some pity for him because of his age and likely immaturity. He’s allowed himself to be used as a political pawn. It sounded like early on he wanted to avoid being wrapped up in politics, but now he seems to have embraced that. He’s very young. Even if he fully accepts his act of shooting others in that moment as self defense as what he had to do, he might regret some of his decisions before and after the shootings. Putting himself in a video game involving shooting will probably be one of them.

I get he’s angry how much of the media treated him. I don’t disagree many condemned him before knowing the facts. I’m not entirely sure his lawsuits will be successful though. People are allowed to have opinions.

I suspect this game is not only a means of making money for him, but to try to bait the media into more slander/libel, in an attempt to create more lawsuits.

If I were him I’d avoid the public spotlight, change my name and appearance, and quietly live my life. He supposedly has like $1m from fundraising, maybe more. I’m sure he can afford to start over new. He should happy he won his murder trial, even if he has a case against media outlets, why continue reliving the past with lawsuits?


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IIRC he took an AR-15 over states boarders, which was illegal, to do what exactly other than provoke a fight?


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I agree with the courts decision that Rittenhouse legally acted in self defense. That said, I can’t even begin to explain how incredibly stupid he was there in the first place. Frankly, his mother should be charged with some sort of child endangerment or negligence.

The entire series of events the lead to the shootings are tragic. It’s reprehensible to see him use his previous circumstances and injury/deaths of others for profit and political BS.

I actually have some pity for him because of his age and likely immaturity. He’s allowed himself to be used as a political pawn. It sounded like early on he wanted to avoid being wrapped up in politics, but now he seems to have embraced that. He’s very young. Even if he fully accepts his act of shooting others in that moment as self defense as what he had to do, he might regret some of his decisions before and after the shootings. Putting himself in a video game involving shooting will probably be one of them.

I get he’s angry how much of the media treated him. I don’t disagree many condemned him before knowing the facts. I’m not entirely sure his lawsuits will be successful though. People are allowed to have opinions.

I suspect this game is not only a means of making money for him, but to try to bait the media into more slander/libel, in an attempt to create more lawsuits.

If I were him I’d avoid the public spotlight, change my name and appearance, and quietly live my life. He supposedly has like $1m from fundraising, maybe more. I’m sure he can afford to start over new. He should happy he won his murder trial, even if he has a case against media outlets, why continue reliving the past with lawsuits?
Taking an assault weapon to a protest clearly indicates premeditation. Jurors were asked only to consider what happened in the heat of the moment, which is truly a joke. Motive is a critical part of any trial and the judge ordered the jury to basically ignore it.

Somebody truly interested in self-defense, if they were worried about getting hurt in a large crowd, would have stayed home. He was openly brandishing an assault weapon and picking fights.

I don’t blame the jury because the judge tied their hands by not letting them consider critical facts in the case.

As for the rest, none of it surprises me.


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Taking an assault weapon to a protest clearly indicates premeditation. Jurors were asked only to consider what happened in the heat of the moment, which is truly a joke. Motive is a critical part of any trial and the judge ordered the jury to basically ignore it.

Somebody truly interested in self-defense, if they were worried about getting hurt in a large crowd, would have stayed home. He was openly brandishing an assault weapon and picking fights.

I don’t blame the jury because the judge tied their hands by not letting them consider critical facts in the case.

As for the rest, none of it surprises me.

Most states, cannot ban guns at protests. I’m not sure what the laws are/were in Illinois at at the time. He was not the only person with a gun. As you may remember, one of his attackers also had a gun- I believe illegally, but had his charges dropped if I recall. But as I stated early I don’t entirely disagree that his (and his mothers) willingness to insert himself into the situation is problematic.

Even if he was prosecuted for illegal gun possession, it was a misdemeanor charge. I think one could fairly argue if his intention was to shoot people, he probably wouldn’t have tried to run and probably would have tried to kill a lot more people.

I think the more likely scenario is that he had a hero complex and thought he would swoop in and defend peoples property. This is also supported by calling himself a medic and an EMT- which btw is a crime. If he actually rendered aid under the guise of an EMT, he could actually face years in prison. He’s a 17 year old with unrealistic expectations of the world.

He’s certainly guilty of putting himself in a bad situation, but the law doesn’t necessarily account for that. The fact of the matter is everyone involved acted incredibly stupidly.

If you don’t like like the laws in place that’s an entirely different discussion. If the prosecution believed the judge was unfair they have the right to appeal. I think most would agree the prosecution did a pretty poor job making their case.

I really don’t have the interest of re-litigating a case. But I will say I don’t think he made good decisions then and he’s making almost as bad ones now in terms of hurting the future he is very lucky to have.
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