Let's see your home office


Mama's lil stinker
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I'm sure many of us are working from home during this time, so let's see your setup if you want to share.

I am a consultant and I have several clients, some that require their own dedicated laptops and others I access remotely with my own systems. Milo is my pal, he hangs out with me everywhere and he has several beds strewn out about the house.



Mama's lil stinker
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Unfortunately I am not at home, I am in my office. Somehow I am considered "essential". :rolleyes:
Is it work you can do from home? There's no way I would go into an office right now and it won't happen until this virus is under control.


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Is it work you can do from home? There's no way I would go into an office right now and it won't happen until this virus is under control.

Unfortunately no. I am in Network Services at a University, so some of the work like fixing or replacing cooper/fiber cables, performing wifi test, activating jacks, and new construction are all examples of work I cannot do remotely. At least the university has made mask wearing mandatory, and I am on a list of personnel that gets tested every week.

Clix Pix

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Eight Miles from the Tysons Apple Store, No. VA
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Since I'm retired, no home office setup needed here, but I do have my computer workstation and printer, etc., that gets daily use, and due to limited space in this two-bedroom condominium apartment, it's in the main living area. When I first moved in here, I set up the computer I had then in my second bedroom but that room was just too small and I felt claustrophobic in there so then switched to the master bedroom, putting everything on a small computer workstation that I set up next to the bed in lieu of a standard nightstand. That was better, and I used that for quite a while until I got my G5 iMac. Since the iMac was a whole new experience for me I wasn't going to dismantle anything in my current computer setup until I was sure I really liked the Mac and so on..... I started out by putting the iMac on the dining table and getting her all set up, began to get to know her and fall in love with her.... Somewhere along the line I thought, "hey, this is pretty nice out here in the living/dining area, maybe I'll get a computer workstation for in the living room...." Did some furniture rearranging, then went to a local store, found just the one I wanted, a rather elegant looking glass-and-metal workstation, which I bought and had delivered and installed. The iMac looked gorgeous on her new home! Since then I added a smaller glass-and-metal one which I use as a printer stand. This is set up against the main wall in the living room, which is adjacent to the sliding glass door which looks out on my deck and the lake beyond..... I love the view and certainly no claustrophobia when at the computer!

A lot of other stuff that one normally has in an office, whether it be at home or in the workplace, such as filing cabinets and such, I have still set up in the second bedroom, and that works out fine, but I do keep a pack or two of extra computer printer paper out here in a basket near the computer workstation and the printer, for convenience in reloading the printer. Through the years machines have come-and-gone, needs have changed, and at some point I got a small wheeled laptop "desk" that I now have positioned at right angles to the main computer workstation and that serves nicely as a home for my 12" MacBoo, but which now lives out here in the living room with the rest of the gang. For a while I used her primarily in the bedroom, but she tends to go all over the house and out on the deck from time to time, and when I'm doing something like transferring files from one external drive to another, thus keeping my main machine busy, I just reach over and fire up the 12" MacBook and use her right here, too.

No more iMac -- now I'm strictly a laptop girl, as I much prefer the mobility; About a year ago I bought an LG 4K Thunderbolt 3 monitor which I have plugged into my 2018 MBP, and that works very nicely for photo editing and everything else I need to do on the machine. If I need to take her somewhere, just unplug the monitor and away we go..... The 15" MBP doesn't go out-and-about too often, though; it is mostly my 12" MacBook which gets to do that. The thing I like about this glass-topped computer workstation is that it is plenty big enough to also have my iPhone and iPad on, plus a couple of desktop external drives, along with the computer on a stand and of course the monitor.

Got a fairly recent photo of my setup in here somewhere..... This shows just the main computer and monitor; the printer is on the other side of the MBP, out of camera range, and the 12" MacBook is also out of camera range, again at the right, within convenient reach of me when I'm sitting here. The day I shot the photo I didn't bother to clean up things, but I was about to start doing some transferring of files from the small black external SSD to the blue external SSD.....

Computer Workstation.jpeg


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Got a fairly recent photo of my setup in here somewhere..... This shows just the main computer and monitor; the printer is on the other side of the MBP, out of camera range, and the 12" MacBook is also out of camera range, again at the right, within convenient reach of me when I'm sitting here. The day I shot the photo I didn't bother to clean up things, but I was about to start doing some transferring of files from the small black external SSD to the blue external SSD.....
Very similar to my setup. My external monitor is above the MBP, mostly because I prefer to stand at the desk most of the time. And it’s lovely being able to just slide the mouse straight up or down.

Chew Toy McCoy

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I'm sure many of us are working from home during this time, so let's see your setup if you want to share.

I am a consultant and I have several clients, some that require their own dedicated laptops and others I access remotely with my own systems. Milo is my pal, he hangs out with me everywhere and he has several beds strewn out about the house.

View attachment 869
Dig the music studio vibe. I'm ashamed to admit I have an electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and bass hanging on my wall that have largely just been decorative pieces. :(


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Echo Chamber
I'm sure many of us are working from home during this time, so let's see your setup if you want to share.

I am a consultant and I have several clients, some that require their own dedicated laptops and others I access remotely with my own systems. Milo is my pal, he hangs out with me everywhere and he has several beds strewn out about the house.

View attachment 869

I like your personal assistant!


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Echo Chamber
Nice, what are you using for backlighting there? I had a hue color strip on the back of my TV for a while but never set it back up after moving. BTW that entire workstation is way too clean! 😁

I confuse easily so organization is essential. 😞 OneNote is my life‘s blood. Everything is structured in tabs and searchable.

The backlighting is from two Signe lamps. I love Phillips Hue and use them in almost every room.



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Echo Chamber

Chew Toy McCoy

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Nice, what are you using for backlighting there? I had a hue color strip on the back of my TV for a while but never set it back up after moving. BTW that entire workstation is way too clean! 😁
Big Hue guy myself and have a color strip under my bar (because I'm classy) but I recently discovered this line.

I started using them for the main lights on my animal enclosures and a big bonus feature for me (other than being less expensive) is they run off of bluetooth as well as wifi. So if you are having wifi or router issues it's not a problem. Just bluetooth from the app.
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