Hey, Pete, this is really interesting. I listened/watched this several times to take it all in. It is fun but creepy. Kind of like "People Are Strange" by the Doors. It doesn't sound like that song, but a similar vibe. I have a few questions, as I am always looking to improve as well. Here are some...
1. Is this an original song? Which parts did you perform/program? Vocals? Was anyone else involved in the project?
2. Did you write the lyrics? They are fun!
3. I'm just guessing here, based on my own experiences, but it seems this is a mix of stock video and some video you may have shot (mostly the music equipment/mixing board stuff). If some is stock video, where did you find it? If it is NOT stock video, then you need to consider a new career path.

If you selected stock video, you did a good job of picking appropriate imagery that all fit together to support the mood! It can be a challenge to find a collection of videos/imagery that is continuous to support a concept the length of a song.
All in all, well done. I love to see video combined with music!