At what point do we decide, "
You are not going to get away with using our tax money on fruitess buttery-mails!" These people need to pay the cost of their shenanigans that come up empty (the way the loser pays court costs in civil cases).
Durban’s probes have resulted in only a couple of paltry court cases, and he’s lost.
I don’t know much about Durham, he doesn’t seem to be overly aggressive or partisan, from what I can tell. Despite my intense disagreement with cons about Hillary’s campaign and the Steele Dossier, it doesn’t mean that just because Trump was cozying up to Russians that Hillary’s campaign and/or the DNC didn’t have some underhanded and/or possibly criminal activity going on.
The problem is, there’s no real reason for me to suspect that. So I don’t.
Durham losing two cases does nothing to make me doubt myself,
And just think, republicans want you to believe Hillary’s campaign was breaking laws, colluding with shady figures, coordinating with Obama’s administration who “spied” on the Trump campaign…
Prosecutors usually only bring cases they can win. So the cases Durham brought were those he felt most likely to succeed in court. They didn’t. So after three years, I have a hard time believing anything else they found amounts to anything. At all.
Yet, if republicans take over the house, they will do everything to attempt to “correct the wrongs”. They will keep investigating Hillary, they will ramp up the rhetoric about Hunter Biden and open investigations, and who the hell knows what else. The Mueller probe, which Republicans whined went on for too long, went on for two years. The Durham probe has gone on for much longer, and the Hillary BS is still not entirely gone and will probably come back.
God help us./end rant