LOTR: The Rings of Power (2022-)


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Aug 11, 2020
If you are a Lord of the Ring fan, Amazon’s new series debuting in Sept 2022 is a must see. Set in the 2nd Age of Middle Earth, thousands of years before The Lord of The Rings trilogy and The Hobbit, most are familiar with, this series is set during the time the Rings were forged.

Set thousands of years before the events of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, the series is based on author J. R. R. Tolkien's history of Middle-earth. It begins during a time of relative peace and covers all the major events of Middle-earth's Second Age: the forging of the Rings of Power, the rise of the Dark Lord Sauron, the fall of the island kingdom of Númenor, and the last alliance between Elves and Men.[1] These events take place over thousands of years in Tolkien's original stories but are condensed for the series.[2]

If you want possibly the best scoop about this series, visit:

Young Galadriel​

You should be able to read it without a subscription. Personally, I am excited, although prepared to be disappointed. The series Season 1 is projected to cost, approx half a $billion, thes series slated for 5 years, over a $billion. The things some humans like to spend fortunes on. 🤔
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What I get for watching while tired. :D
I rewatched Episode 1, then watched Episode2, some adjustments from my earlier post:

Spoilers….Visually impressive

Episode 1:

  • High production values.
  • Beautiful scenery.
  • Solid story in the Middle Earth Universe.
  • I like the Hardfeet, Hobbit ancestors, equivalent to Gypsies, and I like Markella Kavenagh as Nori Brney foot, a girl with a adventurous streak.
  • I think Morfydd Clark as Galadriel has huge shoes to fill following Cate Blanchett, the most perfect Galadriel. She does not have the same presence. Maybe she can win me over?
  • Looking forward to Bronwyn (human) and Arondir‘s (elf) relationship.
  • A new Elf project: ?
  • Something amiss in the Southern Human Lands.
  • An evil broken sword has influence over a human.
  • Galadriel jumps ship.
  • A burned out village in the Human Lands.
  • A fire blazes across the sky carrying intrigue.
Episode 2
  • Nori finds a man in a fiery crater.
  • Orc sign.
  • A desire to build a great Elf forge.
  • Elrond seeks council and help from Duran, Elf, who is angry about being ignored.
  • Rock breaking contest.
  • Galadril breaks a long distance swim record.
  • An impressive Elf Mine.
  • Galadriel meets Finrod on the high seas.
  • Arondir explores a tunnel.
  • Orc infestation.
I’ve only watched episode one, and I fell asleep to it twice. But, when I reached the end, it looked promising.
I'm wondering if the meteor dude isn't actually Gandalf (whispering to bugs...) - lost his faculties due to something Sauron did to him.
I also think the project the Elf master-smith has in mind is likely the rings. :) Sauron built a master-ring in secret, remember? :)
I'm wondering if the meteor dude isn't actually Gandalf (whispering to bugs...) - lost his faculties due to something Sauron did to him.
I also think the project the Elf master-smith has in mind is likely the rings. :) Sauron built a master-ring in secret, remember? :)
You might be right about the Riings. I‘m hoping it is interesting to learn more about how the 20 rings which includes the Master Ring come to be crafted, the key word is interesting. ;)

Considering the link below, and that at the start of this show Galadriel had been hunting this villain for centuries regardimg a previous war before the Rings.

So the Elves recognize as Sauron as the threat, and the question becomes what subterfuge is used to get Sauron involved in this Elf project, if that is what the project is. The original narrative says that Sauron crafted these rings at Mt.Doom, and gifted them, so there is a distinct possibility that he was an Elf, or he somehow will have corrupted enough elves to make this Ring project happen.

I don’t mean to sound like I’m turning on this series, but this is appearing to be the fight before the fight, the same conflict, many of the same characters and bad guys.

Sauron helped craft 20 Rings of Power, which he gifted to the various races of Middle-earth not from the kindness of his cold, black heart, but to dominate and control them. Sauron gave nine to men, seven to dwarves, the Elves had three, and the Dark Lord kept for himself (say it with us) one ring to rule them all.
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I wish they hadn’t gone with a prequel. Everything’s a fucking prequel now; even Cobra Kai found the balls to move towards the future 🤣.
You might be right about the Riings. I‘m hoping it is interesting to learn more about how the 20 rings which includes the Master Ring come to be crafted, the key word is interesting. ;)

Considering the link below, and that at the start of this show Galadriel had been hunting this villain for centuries regardimg a previous war before the Rings.

So the Elves recognize as Sauron as the threat, and the question becomes what subterfuge is used to get Sauron involved in this Elf project, if that is what the project is. The original narrative says that Sauron crafted these rings at Mt.Doom, and gifted them, so there is a distinct possibility that he was an Elf, or he somehow will have corrupted enough elves to make this Ring project happen.

I don’t mean to sound like I’m turning on this series, but this is appearing to be the fight before the fight, the same conflict, many of the same characters and bad guys.

Sauron helped craft 20 Rings of Power, which he gifted to the various races of Middle-earth not from the kindness of his cold, black heart, but to dominate and control them. Sauron gave nine to men, seven to dwarves, the Elves had three, and the Dark Lord kept for himself (say it with us) one ring to rule them all.
Yep - the master smith could be working under the influence of Sauron. He was able to bend Saruman's mind to his will - perhaps he was able to worm his way into the Elf's consciousness over the centuries.
I just completed episode 3 and having gotten acclimated with these new characters, and other than it‘s the same bad Sauron who seems to cause all of the trouble in Tolkien’s Universe, I am now vested in the 4 main story lines, Galadriel who jumped ship intent on finding the boogey lord, the Southland humans who realize it’s time to flee the signs of Orc infestation, The Elves that have something big in the works seeking help from the dwarves, and the Hardfeet deciding they should also relocate with a mysterious human who landed in their backyard via a fireball that’s not hot, who communes with fireflies, does not speak but reminds me of Gandalf.
I've been enjoying it thoroughly and the fact that Elon Musk doesn't like it (while Neil Gaiman burned him on Twitter) just makes it that much sweeter.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1567127793149820928/

I just completed episode 3 and having gotten acclimated with these new characters, and other than it‘s the same bad Sauron who seems to cause all of the trouble in Tolkien’s Universe, I am now vested in the 4 main story lines, Galadriel who jumped ship intent on finding the boogey lord, the Southland humans who realize it’s time to flee the signs of Orc infestation, The Elves that have something big in the works seeking help from the dwarves, and the Hardfeet deciding they should also relocate with a mysterious human who landed in their backyard via a fireball that’s not hot, who communes with fireflies, does not speak but reminds me of Gandalf.
Edit actually there is a 5th, Arondir a prisoner of Orcs, the escape sequence was excellent.
I’m enjoying this, it is quite good, however… My primary critique of this show is that events appear rushed and one should expect to be disappointed with 10 episode seasons, although some stories that you would expect more depth suffer more than others. IMO, the advent of shortened seasons overall, represents a diminishment of series story telling.

Some scholarly input requested:
Episode 5: A story of the elves and their light is related, a pure elf channels “his light” into a tree, a Balrog channels his fire into the same tree which is struck by lightening fusing this power as something pure driven deep into the mountain as substance known as mithrel.

The Elf king says they now need it to survive and I assume the tree mentioned sits in the court of the king is now blighted. What is causing the blight, the fading light? Is that because elves are removing it from the ground?

As described, this light that the elves possess, powers their immortal souls, is found in Mithrel after it was created, and without this replenishment, some method of transference, they will fade into ghosts if they remain in Middle Earth without it. So Mithrel by exposure to it, replenishing the souls of elves exclusively and for others it just some damn fine armor?
I’m enjoying this, it is quite good, however… My primary critique of this show is that events appear rushed and one should expect to be disappointed with 10 episode seasons, although some stories that you would expect more depth suffer more than others. IMO, the advent of shortened seasons overall, represents a diminishment of series story telling.

Some scholarly input requested:
Episode 5: A story of the elves and their light is related, a pure elf channels “his light” into a tree, a Balrog channels his fire into the same tree which is struck by lightening fusing this power as something pure driven deep into the mountain as substance known as mithrel.

The Elf king says they now need it to survive and I assume the tree mentioned sits in the court of the king is now blighted. What is causing the blight, the fading light? Is that because elves are removing it from the ground?

As described, this light that the elves possess, powers their immortal souls, is found in Mithrel after it was created, and without this replenishment, some method of transference, they will fade into ghosts if they remain in Middle Earth without it. So Mithrel by exposure to it, replenishing the souls of elves exclusively and for others it just some damn fine armor?
I suspect the Elf master smith has been instructed by Sauron to make the 3 Elven Rings of Power out of Mithrel - so they have a connection to the wearer's soul, so he can twist them to his will.

As for the blight - I think that's one of the effects of Sauron's growing powers of darkness.

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