


Hm....... Well, I sometimes am a little careless when carrying the 12" MacBook to the other room.... Wouldn't it be a shame if I stumbled at just the wrong moment?!!
Now, THERE's a thought......!!!!!! I still have the 15" 2018 MBP to use, though -- she's my primary machine -- and she's sitting here smugly safe in the knowledge that the ax won't fall for her until there is an M[fill in the number] version replacing the 15-and-16-inch MBPs...... THAT's the one I am definitely going to be buying when it becomes available!!!!
Of course, it is always useful to buy a new, basic entry-level machine when there are major changes in order to become accustomed to the changes and to make a transition to that new system smoother before one takes the big plunge and buys a more powerful, more robustly configured, new machine...... That is essentially what I did with the 12" MacBook. It was my introduction to USB-C and began my transition to USB-C and Thunderbolt 3. I bought a couple of dongles/adapters, then when available, the appropriate cables and such so that by the time I was ready to buy my 15" 2018 MBP I had all that I needed to make the transition smooth and easy between it and the older 15" 2015 MBP she was replacing. I never considered the transition to be "dongle hell" or any such thing. It was effortless.....
Dang this pandemic! If I had a couple of road trips planned and all that, it would be so easy to justify buying the new M1, as that is my 12" MacBook's primary purpose, although she does earn her way by doing some stuff around home here, too..... One thing which IS attractive about the new M1 MBP or MBA is that both have 2 Thunderbolt 3 ports and the 12" MacBook has just the one USB-C port which then has to do everything, and can't be charging while I'm using that port for something else such as connecting an external drive. I'll admit that this honestly hasn't been much of a problem, BUT.....the other day I was doing something on the MBP with two external drives swapping data and wanted to check something on my Samsung X5..... I picked it up, ready to plug it into the 12" MacBook and, remembered: oops, nope, that wouldn't work. MacBook only does USB-C, not Thunderbolt 3. I had to wait until the larger machine had finished with the two external drives that were doing their thing on it before I could check what I needed to check on the X5. Hm.... is that justification enough to buy a new M1 machine????, I suppose not......