Matt Gaetz is under investigation by the Justice Department

Thomas Veil

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You've probably seen something about this already, even though the story has come out in confusing bits and pieces.

Strangely enough, it seems to have been Gaetz himself who broke the story by trying to get in front of it with an announcement that he was considering leaving Congress to join one of those reputable news organizations 😒 like Newsmax, Fox or OAN. (The latter two have already disavowed interest.)

A Justice Department investigation into Representative Matt Gaetz and an indicted Florida politician is focusing on their involvement with multiple women who were recruited online for sex and received cash payments, according to people close to the investigation and text messages and payment receipts reviewed by The New York Times.
Investigators believe Joel Greenberg, the former tax collector in Seminole County, Fla., who was indicted last year on a federal sex trafficking charge and other crimes, initially met the women through websites that connect people who go on dates in exchange for gifts, fine dining, travel and allowances, according to three people with knowledge of the encounters. Mr. Greenberg introduced the women to Mr. Gaetz, who also had sex with them, the people said.
One of the women who had sex with both men also agreed to have sex with an unidentified associate of theirs in Florida Republican politics, according to a person familiar with the arrangement. Mr. Greenberg had initially contacted her online and introduced her to Mr. Gaetz, the person said....
The Justice Department inquiry is also examining whether Mr. Gaetz had sex with a 17-year-old girl and whether she received anything of material value, according to four people familiar with the investigation. The sex trafficking count against Mr. Greenberg involved the same girl, according to two people briefed on the investigation.

Needless to say, this couldn't happen to a more deserving guy, unless it was Gaetz' hero, you-know-who.

There's more, including a separate, alleged extortion attempt involving Gaetz's father that Matt Gaetz seems to be trying to tie together with his own case. It gets pretty wild pretty fast.

Get out the popcorn.


Mama's lil stinker
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I'm still laughing over the announcement that Gaetz showed all his rightwing buddies pictures of naked women he'd slept with.

The fact that anyone is still backing him makes me want Cuomo to stay in office. This double standard is noxious.
It sounds like Gaetz is in real trouble here, I think holding on to his cabinet positions is the least of his worries and he could very well end up in prison.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Excuse my lack of shock or outrage at these accusations waged against Representative Butthead. It sounds pretty adjacent to something his hero Donald Trump would be involved in. In fact I'm pretty sure soon to get Trump's blessing you're going to have to be involved in such activities and then quickly play the "I'm the real victim here" witch hunt card.

Thomas Veil

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Oh, and though this supposedly isn’t directly related, here’s the kind of stand up guy Gaetz is:

Gaetz allegedly showed off to other lawmakers photos and videos of nude women he said he had slept with, the sources told CNN, including while on the House floor. The sources, including two people directly shown the material, said Gaetz displayed the images of women on his phone and talked about having sex with them. One of the videos showed a naked woman with a hula hoop, according to one source.
"It was a point of pride," one of the sources said of Gaetz.

(Oops. Looks like @Alli beat me to it.)
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Chew Toy McCoy

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Oh, and though this supposedly isn’t directly related, here’s the kind of stand up guy Gates is:

(Oops. Looks like @Alli beat me to it.)

It’s kind of interesting that the same party that thinks certain people shouldn’t be allowed to vote is the same party that provides the most politicians who shouldn’t be allowed to be in office.


Mama's lil stinker
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It’s kind of interesting that the same party that thinks certain people shouldn’t be allowed to vote is the same party that provides the most politicians who shouldn’t be allowed to be in office.
And this is something we see on both sides, sexual assault/harassment should not be a partisan issue, it would be nice if everyone could agree it's unacceptable regardless of party affiliation.

Chew Toy McCoy

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And this is something we see on both sides, sexual assault/harassment should not be a partisan issue, it would be nice if everyone could agree it's unacceptable regardless of party affiliation.

Agreed but it seems Republicans seem to have a serious issue policing their own whether it’s on issues like this or being besties with white supremacists and I think the lack of that policing is just emboldening these scumbags.

I’m seriously blown away by the stones on these people who engage in these type things or associate with certain people and then think it’s a good idea to hold public office with the public constantly looking at them through a microscope. Not trying to handout out advise here, but you’re a lot more likely to pull off this shit if you stay out of the public spotlight, or if you are in the public spotlight at least don’t be a constant lightening rod of controversy and off the cuff ignorance.

But then that brings us back to the king of this exact behavior, Trump. What if he really is playing 4D chess and his main objective was to pied piper and expose scum by making them think it’s acceptable. 😮


I'll wait it out, there's so many issues with the whole story. The memes are killing tho:


Edit: I feel somewhat bad even sharing this meme without more proof, but...this guy has been readily blaming Antifa for the Capitol Riot, so I still have much higher standards than him..
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Thomas Veil

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I’m seriously blown away by the stones on these people who engage in these type things or associate with certain people and then think it’s a good idea to hold public office with the public constantly looking at them through a microscope.
Pure hubris. They don’t think they’ll get caught. It’s all part of that “I’m better/richer/smarter than you” attitude.

Chew Toy McCoy

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Pure hubris. They don’t think they’ll get caught. It’s all part of that “I’m better/richer/smarter than you” attitude.

Like I said, the stones (read: balls) on these people. Sometimes I'll be upset with myself for days just for blowing off a panhandler. Just the thought of the mountains of guilt and paranoia I would have to conquer to get to these people's level is overwhelming.


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knee deep in the road apples of the 4 horsemen
you have to just love the competence

Embattled Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) deployed his “military adviser" Monday to deflect swirling allegations of sexual and financial misconduct—only for the former employee to admit he had no exculpatory evidence and reveal he had not even spoken to the congressman in months. … Sitting in front of a knot of microphones, Nelson said rumors about his departure had prompted the Federal Bureau of Investigation to question him at his home last Wednesday.
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