Mob storms Capitol

Apparently there has been some unhappiness in the House minority leader's office over his take on things earlier today. The thing is, his take has shifted with the wind today, so no clue what that means.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1346967025306898434/
Well they are back to counting votes with Pence presiding.... they hit Georgia awhile back and there was an objection in the House but after the events of today the signature of a Senator (Loeffler) was withdrawn so the obejction is not entertained. They have moved on.. picking up steam i rather think!

So we might have a president Pence by morning for awhile if the 25A thing happens, but in the meantime he's still just a VP wearily but professionally slogging through his recited mantras over "regular in form and authentic" certificates of electoral votes.

I so like to think this will end soon without another round of debates and votes on objections. They hit Michigan and Nevada and encountered objections unsupported by Senate signatures so moved on, thank God. The problem will be Pennsylvania.. . and yeah here we go, Hawley signed and won't withdraw so the objection is entertained and the two houses have to separate to debate and vote and return later. probably four hours later. OK I'm going to bed. G'night y'all.

PS the NYT is going to bed too!

(Annie Karni, NYT correspondent)

As the House and Senate go back to debate, we here at the live chat are going to call it quits for the night. There are reports that the Senate will yield all of its two hours, but the House is likely to take its time. As Reid noted, if the lawmakers reconvene and there is a Senate objection to Wisconsin’s electoral votes, the certification could go all night. And the elusive moment of truth – when Pence confirms that Biden and Harris won the election – could come perhaps much later in the morning. Thank you for watching and reading, and follow along at for more coverage of today’s violence at the Capitol and the aftermath.
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Oh yeah, I think the 25th is gonna come into play
I’m watching Morning Joe, and you should hear the anger, the fury, in the voices of the hosts and their guests. There is a lot of talk among the political class about invoking the 25th or impeaching Trump again. There seems to be a lot of agreement that this president cannot go on, not even for another two weeks. It’s too dangerous.

I hope the momentum keeps up. This needs to happen.

T minus 13.

(Edited to correct the number of days left till Trump is gone.)
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1347058094564634624/
From your link:
We were not allowed to take the stairs, because the mob was on the floors below. So into the elevators and down to the basement we went, racing toward the Capitol Visitor Center. The CVC is a vast underground bunker of a structure that finally got built after 9/11. It cost roughly $700 million and has multiple secure rooms and blast-resistant doors.
An officer, holding back two doors, ordered us to head toward the Russell Senate Office Building because the pro-Trump mob had also breached the CVC.
:oops: :oops:
The most amazing thing is how quickly the narrative changed among the bobblehead crowd as the response to the storming of the Capitol Building took on a different timbre they expected. Within a few hours, it had gone from "real Americans sick of their voices being ignored by the leftist elite" to "ANTIFA false flag operation perpetrated by anti-American leftists to make real Americans and our lord and savior Donald J. Trump look bad."

How do you reason with people this detached from reality?
The most amazing thing is how quickly the narrative changed among the bobblehead crowd as the response to the storming of the Capitol Building took on a different timbre they expected. Within a few hours, it had gone from "real Americans sick of their voices being ignored by the leftist elite" to "ANTIFA false flag operation perpetrated by anti-American leftists to make real Americans and our lord and savior Donald J. Trump look bad."

How do you reason with people this detached from reality?
You start by electing a replacement for their leader. I think it will take some time but eventually these people will crawl back into the woodwork where it was once frowned upon to be so openly racist and fascist, hopefully we're seeing the final throes and we can start the rebuilding. The only question is whether or not Trump will make things worse before the 20th.
You start by electing a replacement for their leader. I think it will take some time but eventually these people will crawl back into the woodwork where it was once frowned upon to be so openly racist and fascist, hopefully we're seeing the final throes and we can start the rebuilding. The only question is whether or not Trump will make things worse before the 20th.

That only helps us in the short term. If we don't take the necessary steps to address the problem that Trump's presence has foisted upon us, allowing him to go his merry way unscathed out of fear of making him a martyr of his own cause, his most fervent followers will look at him as a president in exile, and will continue to follow him long after he leaves the White House. It's highly likely he'll continue his rallies, be a regular talking head on OAN and Newsmax, probably have a few showings on Infowars, and he'll be spewing this same bullshit to them for the next 4 years at least.

Best case scenario: he develops a cult following that doesn't do anything more than stir up pointless arguments on Facebook and Twitter. He'll have his easy source to sell MAGA merchandise to, they'll fondly remember the one time they stood up to tyranny, and nothing much will come of it.

Worst care scenario: he becomes a far right firebrand inspiring a new generation of Timothy McVeighs to action.

So do we hope for the best, or assume the worst?