Mob storms Capitol

From the article MissNomer cited:

No kidding! I wonder why they'd do that. 😒

It's telling, and all too typical, to see the ads that accompany these kinds of articles. Look at this:

Who'd wear something like that besides a political fanatic? I mean, that's not just over-the-top. That's over over-the-top. We may need a new word.
Bigly over the top?
The Federalist was already talking about this in January…

It’s a fucking scary read.
Wow, the author of that article actually runs that website? She is a horrible writer, but I guess I’m supposed to try and figure out what she’s trying to say AND agree with it because she has six kids.

I certainly do tend to ramble in forum posts, but even such rants seem quite coherent compared to that article.
Wow, the author of that article actually runs that website? She is a horrible writer, but I guess I’m supposed to try and figure out what she’s trying to say AND agree with it because she has six kids.

I certainly do tend to ramble in forum posts, but even such rants seem quite coherent compared to that article.
You also see that she ‘identifies’ as ‘Native American’… o_O

She’s fucking deluded.
"Blue Lives Matter" until they disagree with your ideology. :rolleyes:

Far-right groups often do not like the police at all. They are just as anti-authority as far-left groups. Police need to stop thinking far-right extremists are their "buddies". I'm sure any officers who may have aided these protestors or taken selfies with them soon regretted doing so.
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https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1420020176590942217/

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1420127101395501060/
"The American people deserve to know the truth"..

As usual the Simpsons can explain the problem here.
I mentioned in the COVID thread there was another piece in The NY Times that caught my attention in a negative way... here it is:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1420317756487049218/

The author, Christopher Caldwell, puts forth the argument that there are “legitimate concerns” from Republicans about the 2020 election. No, ass-wipe. There are not. How many Republican Secretaries of State have to tell you? How many courts have to rule against you? STFU! Oh and this piece of crap “author” also tries to defend the insurrection. How the F did this drivel get printed in the Times? I understand they want to put some conservative opinions in there, but “conservative” writers still in thrall to Trump are intentionally spouting lies and disingenuous arguments.

Some lowlights from the shitstorm:

Were we really that close to a coup? The most dramatic and disruptive episode of Mr. Trump’s resistance to the election was Jan. 6, and that day’s events are ambiguous.
Republicans had — and still have — legitimate grievances about how the last election was run. Pandemic conditions produced an electoral system more favorable to Democrats. Without the Covid-era advantage of expanded mail-in voting, Democrats might well have lost more elections at every level, including the presidential. Mr. Wolff writes that, as Republicans saw it, Democrats “were saved by this lucky emphasis; that was all they were saved by.”

Nor was it just luck; it was an advantage that, in certain places, Democrats manipulated the system to obtain. The majority-Democratic Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ruled in favor of a Democratic Party lawsuit to extend mail-in balloting beyond Election Day.
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I mentioned in the COVID thread there was another piece in The NY Times that caught my attention in a negative way... here it is:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1420317756487049218/

The author, Christopher Caldwell, puts forth the argument that there are “legitimate concerns” from Republicans about the 2020 election. No, ass-wipe. There are not. How many Republican Secretaries of State have to tell you? How many courts have to rule against you? STFU! Oh and this piece of crap “author” also tries to defend the insurrection. How the F did this drivel get printed in the Times? I understand they want to put some conservative opinions in there, but “conservative” writers still in thrall to Trump are intentionally spouting lies and disingenuous arguments.

Some lowlights from the shitstorm:
I find these opinion pieces underwhelming in general. Like Mr. Caldwell pretending that there wasn't a pandemic going on, which...would not have affected Trump's reelection should he have managed it appropriately. I'm annoyed because some of the criticisms of the US Left (i.e. largely center right) would be legitimate and even constructive, but not excuses like this. Sour grapes.
I find these opinion pieces underwhelming in general. Like Mr. Caldwell pretending that there wasn't a pandemic going on, which...would not have affected Trump's reelection should he have managed it appropriately. I'm annoyed because some of the criticisms of the US Left (i.e. largely center right) would be legitimate and even constructive, but not excuses like this. Sour grapes.
Yes, it seems the only “conservative” voice at the Times these days is David Brooks. Bret Stephens is too far into the Trump camp to be taken seriously anymore, unfortunately. Maybe “serious” conservatives are a dying breed. Where can one even find conservative writings that aren’t into Trump’s la-la land anymore? They’ve traded their principles (many of which I disagree with to be honest) for a cult of personality.
Yes, it seems the only “conservative” voice at the Times these days is David Brooks. Bret Stephens is too far into the Trump camp to be taken seriously anymore, unfortunately. Maybe “serious” conservatives are a dying breed. Where can one even find conservative writings that aren’t into Trump’s la-la land anymore? They’ve traded their principles (many of which I disagree with to be honest) for a cult of personality.
Same here. I disagree with the principles, but will always respect a person who has some.
Isn't THIS the image republicans ( and democrats ) want to project if you claim that Blue Lives matter?


That you are really grateful for the work that Police do, and genuinely appreciate it.
Isn't THIS the image republicans ( and democrats ) want to project if you claim that Blue Lives matter?


That you are really grateful for the work that Police do, and genuinely appreciate it.
I'm pretty sure Republicans are drafting up plans to penalized these two for this. As a whole, the Republican party has never been more disgraceful.
I'm pretty sure Republicans are drafting up plans to penalized these two for this. As a whole, the Republican party has never been more disgraceful.
The Republican party has been disintegrating since before Obama. As silly as some of them could be during Bush II, they had yet to be truly infected by, what I thought at the time was the worst thing that could happen to them - the "Tea Party". Oh boy, was I wrong. The current TeaTrumpliquons have taken the worst aspects of the "Tea Party" to heart and then embraced a whole new ideology where lies and conspiracy rule the roost, and created a even more disgusting shadow of its former self.

Then they have the temerity to call the likes of Cheney as "RINO" - when the real truth of the matter is that she IS a true Republican, and the vast majority of the GOP today are the RINOs.
When will they take ownership of their actions?
Never. It’s one of the first things they learned from the former guy: take no responsibility. Ever.

I watched the recordings of the officers’ testimonies yesterday. It’s a shame it won’t be shown on Fox and the other right-wing networks. That testimony alone could change minds.

I also enjoyed the Republican dog and pony show during the hearings. Especially the part where they all ran away because Gaetz was being asked if he was a pedophile and he didn’t know the answer.
GOP Membership Form questions

1) Do you believe that America is a Christian Theocracy ( yes no )
2) Do you believe all Democrats are Satanic Baby Eating Pedophiles ( yes no )
3) Do you profess fealty to the one true Emperor of the United States OF Trump, Donald Trump? ( yes no )
4) Do you believe that Q is the last bastion of truth and virtue in America today ( yes no )
5) Do you believe that the only valid mainstream media sources in America today are OANN and Newsmax? ( yes no )
6) Do you believe that LGBT+ Americans should be locked upm sterilized and possibly even executed? ( yes no )
7) Do you believe that the January 6th Event was a False Flag event staged staged the Democrats ( yes no )
8) Do you believe that Donald Trump is still the President of the United States of Trump? ( yes no )
9) Do you believe that over 80m MORE people voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 General Election ( yes no )

Answering No to any of these questions will immediately identify you as a member of the ANTIFA Pedophilic baby easting Satanist wing and you'll be taken in for questioning by the nearest chapter of the 'Rednex for Trump' security services.
GOP Membership Form questions

1) Do you believe that America is a Christian Theocracy ( yes no )
2) Do you believe all Democrats are Satanic Baby Eating Pedophiles ( yes no )
3) Do you profess fealty to the one true Emperor of the United States OF Trump, Donald Trump? ( yes no )
4) Do you believe that Q is the last bastion of truth and virtue in America today ( yes no )
5) Do you believe that the only valid mainstream media sources in America today are OANN and Newsmax? ( yes no )
6) Do you believe that LGBT+ Americans should be locked upm sterilized and possibly even executed? ( yes no )
7) Do you believe that the January 6th Event was a False Flag event staged staged the Democrats ( yes no )
8) Do you believe that Donald Trump is still the President of the United States of Trump? ( yes no )
9) Do you believe that over 80m MORE people voted for Donald Trump in the 2020 General Election ( yes no )

Answering No to any of these questions will immediately identify you as a member of the ANTIFA Pedophilic baby easting Satanist wing and you'll be taken in for questioning by the nearest chapter of the 'Rednex for Trump' security services.
I thought the questionnaire was even simpler.

Who do you love more? (Circle one)
1. Trump
2. Jesus

I’ll just leave this here. 😡

I'm totally speechless. Why do all these people that leave these message do their damndest to remain anonymous?

Aside from that is that THEY are the cowards. These people have zero faith in their convictions and then act all surprised when they are found out.

They disgust me.