More on the Chinese balloon US overflight

It was just reported that the intended targets of the first balloon were Hawaii and Guam. So it got off course and spied on the wrong states.
It was just reported that the intended targets of the first balloon were Hawaii and Guam. So it got off course and spied on the wrong states.

I knew there was a reason this appealed to me in today's paper.

lost in the parentheses.jpg
Speaking as one who just got a drone license I'm just curious how these things are allowed to fly with no accountability. I get the China is a foreign country but we're just learning about a lot of US flights as well and they seemed to be unaware of any of them without looking.

In order to fly a drone you have pretty strict rules about how and where you can fly, there's a thing called a LAANC that you have to request from the FAA before flying in any area where there's a flight path, airport, special circumstances, etc. I've personally used it dozens of times now because it's mandatory. It also tells them who you are, what your planned altitude will be and exactly where you are flying. Wondering what makes balloons exempt from this.
I would hope they’re not using hydrogen, whoever “they” is. That would be rather dangerous.

Oh, not really. Yes, it is flammable, in an oxygen-rich environment, but the biggest danger with hydrogen is that the H2 molecule is so small that it is very hard to contain. But that is a pretty minor hazard, since, once it escapes, it merely dissipates. The Hindenburg thingy was just a matter of having way too much of it in a confined space.

How does one make their own hydrogen?

Simple electrolysis is the easiest way. Two fairly high voltage DC leads in water will break the H2O into H on one lead and O on the other. Just harvest it off the lead that generates the H (I forget which one that is).