Nancy Pelosi confirms she got hair done indoors in San Francisco


Mama's lil stinker
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No mask and indoors, both not currently allowed in SF. It's right to call her on this, if you're going to preach responsibility then you need so show it as well.



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I refuse to care about this. Trump is destroying America, and here we are again knit-picking every word, haircut, tan suit, and cup of coffee a Democrat carries in the wrong place.

I have seen malfeasance. I have seen corruption. I have seen incompetence.

And this isn’t it.


Site Master
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I refuse to care about this. Trump is destroying America, and here we are again knit-picking every word, haircut, tan suit, and cup of coffee a Democrat carries in the wrong place.

I have seen malfeasance. I have seen corruption. I have seen incompetence.

And this isn’t it.

The right-wing needs their “owning the libs” moments. When Dr. Fauci took off his mask for a minute to drink water, they had a similar reaction. At least this “owning the libs” doesn’t involve shooting them like in Kenosha. They are treating that kid like he’s Joan of Arc or something.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I refuse to care about this. Trump is destroying America, and here we are again knit-picking every word, haircut, tan suit, and cup of coffee a Democrat carries in the wrong place.

I have seen malfeasance. I have seen corruption. I have seen incompetence.

And this isn’t it.

The Rs like to pitch fights in pretty small sandboxes though, the ones that are about the size of a meme. So in 2016 we let a lot of those pass, and maybe in 2020 we won't go the same route. I'm sick of it but then I didn't build the sandboxes, I just show up when stupid stuff starts happening in them...

Pelosi was wrong on this. Check. What else do the Rs have as a distraction from what Trump's been wrong about as President so far?


Mama's lil stinker
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I am afraid to go anywhere, haven't even had an outside meal in nearly 6 months and my wife quit her frontline job because of my pre-existing condition. So when I see someone who's preached so hard about practicing Covid guidelines basically undermining every last one of them this way really disturbs me. It's blatant hypocrisy and it's fair to call it out on both sides.


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
I am afraid to go anywhere, haven't even had an outside meal in nearly 6 months and my wife quit her frontline job because of my pre-existing condition. So when I see someone who's preached so hard about practicing Covid guidelines basically undermining every last one of them this way really disturbs me. It's blatant hypocrisy and it's fair to call it out on both sides.

You're right. I happen to be pretty distracted at the moment thanks to SUNY-Oneonta students having popped up the Otsego county caseload by 200 cases and counting in the past 2 weeks. Their whole prior case count was barely that high. They're just over the line from my county and with the students' exposure to the local community up there (effect of which we all await news) before the spike became apparent, nobody in this county is naive enough to figure it's just a college problem. Of course the school has set up quarantines and the state has brought in contact tracer SWAT teams.

But meanwhile lots of people from here have quit going to work or to shop out of an abundance of caution... so the Oneonta business community is already taking a new economic hit just after it was cautiously celebrating an uneventful reopening back in July.

EDIT: Damn. New confirmed covid-19 cases update Wednesday September 2 from SUNY-Oneonta. There are now 289 cases on campus, up another 44 from yesterday. In theory this should taper off pretty soon since they set up quarantine-dorms and have a bunch of people isolated (10-day wait for symptoms to subside) and some more already quarantined (14 days from known contact). But the rest of exposures that already happened in the past 2 weeks prior to knowledge of the outbreak have to finish playing out. Ugly to see how fast it spreads while immunity is still a relatively rare thing.
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What the F?!!!
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I am afraid to go anywhere, haven't even had an outside meal in nearly 6 months and my wife quit her frontline job because of my pre-existing condition. So when I see someone who's preached so hard about practicing Covid guidelines basically undermining every last one of them this way really disturbs me. It's blatant hypocrisy and it's fair to call it out on both sides.
Your feelings are understandable.

Only when you see who's running with this ( like in another forum ), it isn't about THAT hypocrisy, it's like others have said, it's THEIR big moment. You listen to them & you'd be hard pressed to tell if Nancy got her hair done, or irresponsibly beached an oil tanker in the middle of a raging forest fire in California.


Mama's lil stinker
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Your feelings are understandable.

Only when you see who's running with this ( like in another forum ), it isn't about THAT hypocrisy, it's like others have said, it's THEIR big moment. You listen to them & you'd be hard pressed to tell if Nancy got her hair done, or irresponsibly beached an oil tanker in the middle of a raging forest fire in California.
Leave it to them to take to the next level.


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I have no doubt they're over there posting them, I've just quit looking all together anymore.
Did PRSI get overrun by conservatives? I remember when they used to complain how they once had the upper hand, and how it got taken over by libs. Did the pendulum swing in the other direction?


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Heh, some mods mighta got some lean here and there..
It’s how I got booted. Some absolute troll came into a reasonable thread and just started shitting on it. I told him he needed to “grow up” and got banned for that. I forget who the mod was, but it was pretty clear that I was on their list.


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It took a couple long-ish posts of nothing but personal attacks on me for cerebralx to get suspended. He had one rant about how I should be quiet and let the grown-ups speak... they removed that post but let him keep posting. Then he unleashed a rant where he said I am on his ignore, but he saw my post quoted in another post and felt compelled to tell me all about why he’s ignoring me... after that attack that had nothing about the topic in it, the mods finally suspended him.


Mama's lil stinker
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Main Camera
It’s how I got booted. Some absolute troll came into a reasonable thread and just started shitting on it. I told him he needed to “grow up” and got banned for that. I forget who the mod was, but it was pretty clear that I was on their list.
It took a couple long-ish posts of nothing but personal attacks on me for cerebralx to get suspended. He had one rant about how I should be quiet and let the grown-ups speak... they removed that post but let him keep posting. Then he unleashed a rant where he said I am on his ignore, but he saw my post quoted in another post and felt compelled to tell me all about why he’s ignoring me... after that attack that had nothing about the topic in it, the mods finally suspended him.
IMO either of these squabbles would've played out over a few posts and then everyone would've moved on, absolutely zero moderation needed. But no, they tell everyone to report the smallest spats and then act on them with a heavy hand, instead of a simple "hey, you guys knock that shit off".


Watching March roll out real winter
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Catskill Mountains
It’s how I got booted. Some absolute troll came into a reasonable thread and just started shitting on it. I told him he needed to “grow up” and got banned for that. I forget who the mod was, but it was pretty clear that I was on their list.

Gee I hadn't realized that just telling someone to grow up "over there" was a direct insult, even if toddlers throwing tantrums do tend to take it that way.
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