NBC to host Donald Trump opposite Joe Biden on Thursday

Sounds like it was very much a setup. I’ll never forgive Chuck Todd.
Seriously, up until this happened I've always respected and defended him. He and his network are dead to me now, let them geek out over Trump all they want. It's a shame because we always watch their local newscasts but even that's off the table for me now.

Hahaha, trump is getting eviscerated, he hasn't said anything tangible, no numbers, no specific policy, holy hell he's dumb. Meanwhile, Joe is dropping tons of specific data, sure, he's a little stumbly in his delivery, but the CONTENT has depth, dummy is talking about having a hambeder delivered and Obama care is bad, it's not good, we'll do something good, because Obamacare is bad.

That’s the problem. Democrats have always pointed to data, solid numbers, logical points of view. All Republicans have to do is say “they took your job.” Or “they are coming to rape your women and children.” Or some other hyperbolic bullshit and they get the vote. Most people don’t respond to facts. If they did, climate change would be a priority. They respond to an emotionally charged issues and fear.
Savannah Guthrie asked tough questions, and tried for some follow-ups, but without someone debating him, there was only so much she could do. It's not her job to do more than a follow-up presser or two. So he was able to do his usual BS "we did it strongly and we did great" spin to everything.

The woman behind Trump's shoulder all night nodding was distracting and clearly a plant. From her outfit to her exaggerating nodding to everything he said. The questions from guests were softball too.

This event probably won't hurt or help him, but the press needs to hammer him on again refusing to condemn white supremacy. He and his supporters will say "What? He DID say "Yes I condemn white supremacy". But they know its BS. It was a snarky, quick, passing comment, and he spent more time complaining about the press and the question, whining about Antifa and the left, etc. Not once has he ever said "I want to look right in the camera and tell the American people; I condemn in the strongest terms any form of white nationalism, racism, hatred, discrimination... it has no place in America". THAT is a condemnation. Not "Boy, you guys ask me that all the time I've condemned it more than anyone in history, but what about the left? What about ANTIFA? Nobody asks sleepy Joe about Antifa!"

He's a damn lunatic and its scary people watch a **** show like that and say "Give me four more years please!"
Maybe this was a deal between the campaign and NBC. A Trump supporter just asked a question (after having bedroom eyes and complimenting Trump's smile).
But she asked a good question.

This is a strange "town hall". Trump is the most geeked-up I've ever seen.

This would have been better as a debate. Biden could not have matched Trump tonight though. On substance, sure, but Trump is so amped up it wouldn't have worked.

If I got a nickel every time he used the word "strong" tonight, I'd be wealthier than him.

Considering how broke he actually is it wouldn’t take that many nickels to make you wealthier than him... just saying.
I am watching Biden. I am sick of Trump and have no desire to watch him. I want to see how Biden is doing and what types of policies seem like they will be top priorities. Biden is handling both his allies and critics pretty well. He is rambling a bit, but the things he speaks about show a depth of knowledge that is quite impressive.
I know it's not exactly popular to talk about Biden on ABC here but the way he's addressing the people and questions is very presidential and my blood pressure has remained nice and low all night. I'm even having "YES THAT" out loud moments while watching him, particularly when he talked about police reform. Yes, I was already in the tank for him but now I'm feeling energized.
When they aren't running down the list of falsehoods, this is what I keep seeing on Twitter
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1316915705724489728/
👀 😒
Seriously, up until this happened I've always respected and defended him. He and his network are dead to me now, let them geek out over Trump all they want. It's a shame because we always watch their local newscasts but even that's off the table for me now.
The bad part is, it was only Chuck. The others probably had no say in it. I doubt Rachael Maddow had any say in the network giving the petulant child his own hour. Nor did Nicolle Wallace. So I won’t give up on them until I hear otherwise.

The only thing that still annoys me is the SCOTUS issue. Joe needs to figure out his response and use it. This “depends on how they deal with it” is inadequate.
Will watch Biden's take on things early tomorrow, with a coffee in my Biden-Harris mug...

Saw a few clips of Trump after the fact. A pundit's tweet about Trump in the first debate did keep running through my mind: that the prez was "as high as a giraffe's ass".

Well it's clearly past my bedtime since my editorial side has already collapsed. 'Night all.
The bad part is, it was only Chuck. The others probably had no say in it. I doubt Rachael Maddow had any say in the network giving the petulant child his own hour. Nor did Nicolle Wallace. So I won’t give up on them until I hear otherwise.

The only thing that still annoys me is the SCOTUS issue. Joe needs to figure out his response and use it. This “depends on how they deal with it” is inadequate.
I agree, IMO he should own it. Conservatives have no ground to stand on here and if Biden takes a hit, it will likely be small.
Oh, man. You’ve gotta love this ridiculous exchange Trump had with Savannah Guthrie about QAnon:

Trump maintained that he didn’t know much about the group, other than that they are “very much against pedophilia.”
Guthrie said to Trump that QAnon falsely alleges the existence of a satanic "deep state" apparatus that supports a child sex trafficking ring, but he said he couldn’t rely on her information to be fact.
“I just don’t know about QAnon,” Trump said.
“You do know,” Guthrie pressed.
“Why aren’t you asking me about antifa?” Trump pivoted, referring to the left-wing anti-fascist movement. “Why aren’t you asking Joe Biden questions about, why doesn’t he condemn antifa?”
Guthrie replied that she had Trump in front of her to ask questions, not Biden.
“Haha, so cute,” Trump responded.
In that one answer you get dishonesty, diversion and condescension. I haven’t read much more of his town hall, but it seems clear Trump made an ass out of himself last night.

Edited to add link to source.
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Oh, man. You’ve gotta love this ridiculous exchange Trump had with Savannah Guthrie about QAnon:

In that one answer you get dishonesty, diversion and condescension. I haven’t read much more of his town hall, but it seems clear Trump made an ass out of himself last night.

Edited to add link to source.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1317091474463285248/
Oh, man. You’ve gotta love this ridiculous exchange Trump had with Savannah Guthrie about QAnon:

In that one answer you get dishonesty, diversion and condescension. I haven’t read much more of his town hall, but it seems clear Trump made an ass out of himself last night.

Edited to add link to source.
For Trump supporters out of all that all they heard was “Why aren’t you asking about Antifa?” then high fived each other while praising Trump’s 4D chess maneuver.
Wow. I almost wish I’d watched it. Guthrie’s getting great reviews.
Washington Post writer Aaron Blake tweeted: "Savannah Guthrie is putting on a masterclass. Having fact checks ready. Not letting lengthy filibusters. Sharp questions, cutting in regularly to set the record straight and keep things focused."
Washington Post's Washington Bureau Chief Philip Rucker said Guthrie had "sharp, tough questioning," adding she was "smartly following up to pin Trump down when he responds with vague or rambling answers."
Variety's Brian Steinberg described Guthrie's town hall as "what may be the performance of a career."
And the way you know she done good?
Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani called Guthrie "hostile, argumentative, and contradictory."
Bill O'Reilly tweeted, "This NBC thing with Mr. Trump is a complete setup. Ms. Guthrie is hostile. Meanwhile, it’s a smooch fest between Stephanopolus and Biden on ABC."
"So far, this is not a town hall for voters, it is designed to appease the angry NBC employees/Dems who are (expletive) off Trump’s on NBC at all," (Megyn) Kelly tweeted, before lambasting Guthrie's question selection and interruptions.
Biden's town hall drew 2 million more viewers than Trump's in early figures – live

Uh, oh… Twitter All Caps Storm incoming…

"It’s official: Joe Biden beat Trump in the ratings game from last night’s dueling town halls, a fact that will likely enrage a president who loves to boast about his ratings."
I actually felt a sense of calm after watching the Biden event. Like - somebody that wants the best for America will be in charge soon. Watching Donny makes me upset. Since I already cast a vote, I am ignoring him from now on.

And, being banned from PRSI for a year means I don't have the temptation of replying to his supporters. Overall, I am really looking forward to November 3 and beyond.
Biden's town hall drew 2 million more viewers than Trump's in early figures – live

Uh, oh… Twitter All Caps Storm incoming…

"It’s official: Joe Biden beat Trump in the ratings game from last night’s dueling town halls, a fact that will likely enrage a president who loves to boast about his ratings."

This might be the only thing that will make Trump question his popularity in his head. Sad.

I think continually hammering Trump on white supremacists is the left's "What about Hillary's emails?!?!" I'm just waiting for Trump to slip up and tweet "The left lamestream media wants me to unfairly criticize white supremacy. Worst treated President EVER!"
And, being banned from PRSI for a year means I don't have the temptation of replying to his supporters. Overall, I am really looking forward to November 3 and beyond.

I've lone since come to the conclusion that it's a waste of time trying to argue with the hardcore Trump faithful. Doing so is like trying to hold a discussion with a yard full of barking dogs. No matter what you say, what you point out, they will never vary their response to you. They like barking, it's what they do, and they know it annoys you. Regardless of the circumstances, they'll continue barking, same as they always have.

You need to realize that we're no longer living in the once relatively sane world of liberals vs. conservatives. These people don't care about policy or stance. They're in a nigh textbook example of a cult of personality, and they've long since deemed you the enemy to be rallied against. As long as you, the enemy, are hurt by the actions of their dear leader, they're perfectly content.
The view from over here in the (dis)United Kingdom:

Trump has started speaking in Fort Myers, Florida, where he is holding an event on “protecting America’s seniors.”

The president said of the coronavirus pandemic, “We are rounding the turn. I say that all the time.” 🥴

“I wasn’t feeling great, and the next day I wake up and I’m like, ‘Who can I fight today?’”

“My young son Barron had it. And he had it. And all of a sudden he doesn’t have it. It’s like, you know, it’s different.”

“We cannot allow unscientific, panic-driven, fear-based policies to deny our children and grandchildren their future and their dreams,”

I mean, WTAF?

People vote for this maniac?

I'm opening another bottle of Côtes du Rhone.
Biden's town hall drew 2 million more viewers than Trump's in early figures – live

Uh, oh… Twitter All Caps Storm incoming…

"It’s official: Joe Biden beat Trump in the ratings game from last night’s dueling town halls, a fact that will likely enrage a president who loves to boast about his ratings."
I had guessed the opposite all along, thinking Trump would win it hands down. Couldn't be happier to be wrong about it.

I actually felt a sense of calm after watching the Biden event. Like - somebody that wants the best for America will be in charge soon. Watching Donny makes me upset. Since I already cast a vote, I am ignoring him from now on.

And, being banned from PRSI for a year means I don't have the temptation of replying to his supporters. Overall, I am really looking forward to November 3 and beyond.
I had the exact same response, it was so refreshing to listen to someone not attacking everyone and everything, but rather talking about unity and engaging with people in a way Trump never would. I thoroughly enjoyed it.