Oct 18 Apple Event

Damn.... well this was gonna happen.... got the beachball on the event. I usually get to see about 15 minutes of one of these and then enough people have texted friends "HEY APPLE UP" -- and so connections struggling to feed people the event at DSL speeds start going south: "later for you, baby, download the thing in a few days,,,,"
I always hate Apple's performance charts. They're always so vague, not giving you any metrics on how they came to discover how or where it's 3.5x faster.
Yeah, but then everyone runs benchmarks and finds out apple undersold the numbers.
I’m not a fan of Apple’s pastelification of everything. If they were doing interior design instead of tech hardware this would fall under “current trends that aren’t going to age well”. I imagine it might also decrease resale value limiting your options if you go with an unpopular color.
Ahh...the usual virtue signaling re: the environment

I notice they avoid that topic when discussing AirPods
I imagine when they finally reveal the 16 inch's price tag, a coronary alert maybe needed world wide.
Yep, no way I would ever be able to afford a new (this is the greatest Mac EVER!!!) every year and even if I could I wouldn't. Maybe decent if you're still on something several years old, otherwise the reality is real world differences won't be noticed by regular users. IMO this event was pretty lackluster.
I’m not a fan of Apple’s pastelification of everything. If they were doing interior design instead of tech hardware this would fall under “current trends that aren’t going to age well”. I imagine it might also decrease resale value limiting your options if you go with an unpopular color.

Yep, no way I would ever be able to afford a new (this is the greatest Mac EVER!!!) every year and even if I could I wouldn't. Maybe decent if you're still on something several years old, otherwise the reality is real world differences won't be noticed by regular users. IMO this event was pretty lackluster.

For me, who's needing some CPU and GPU oomph, it's been a great event. If that 16" MBP M1 Pro is $2500 with 32GB RAM, I'm buying it.