Package Shipping Costs


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Aug 11, 2020
Over the weekend dug up some of our mature amaryllis plants to separate the bulbs that had grown up around the original bulbs. They have gotten quite large and where they started as a single plants, they are now a clumps of plants.

Some of our friends in the Twin Cities area wanted some of the spare bulbs, so besides planting these around the estate, I packaged up some spares and drove to the post office. The first box with 3 bulbs weighed 3.8 lb and they wanted $17 to ship priority mail. And there were no other options as in they got rid of basic postal mailing, or maybe it was because I was using one of those self service machines. Btw, they need about 9 more of those.

Well I thought that was a ridiculous price, so I headed to UPS and discovered not only was it the same price, but instead of 3 day priority mail, the $17 price was for ground shipping and instead of 3 days, it would be 7 days.

And for our friends who live 7 miles outside Taylor’s Falls, Mn, the USPS price for A 2.1 lb package was $13, but UPS listed it as a rural address and wanted $21 for the same package. So the moral of the story is that the US Postal Service offers a better price.

Now I have a corporate discount for FedEx but did not check them to compare.
Over the weekend dug up some of our mature amaryllis plants to separate the bulbs that had grown up around the original bulbs. They have gotten quite large and where they started as a single plants, they are now a clumps of plants.

Some of our friends in the Twin Cities area wanted some of the spare bulbs, so besides planting these around the estate, I packaged up some spares and drove to the post office. The first box with 3 bulbs weighed 3.8 lb and they wanted $17 to ship priority mail. And there were no other options as in they got rid of basic postal mailing, or maybe it was because I was using one of those self service machines. Btw, they need about 9 more of those.

Well I thought that was a ridiculous price, so I headed to UPS and discovered not only was it the same price, but instead of 3 day priority mail, theIt $17 price was for ground shipping and instead of 3 days, it would be 7 days.

And for our friends who live 7 miles outside Taylor’s Falls, Mn, the USPS price for A 2.1 lb package was $13, but UPS listed it as a rural address and wanted $21 for the same package. So the moral of the story is that the US Postal Service offers a better price.

Now I have a corporate discount for FedEx but did not check them to compare.
It's insane to send anything like this, it was a little more than that for me to ship my buddy a gaming console. When I went to print the shipping label I was like WTF??? If you're a giant like Amazon then forget it, little people are left paying huge prices.
I send stuff to my kids in NY all the time, so I’m used to the outrageous prices. I sent a parcel to my daughter in NYC and my mother in FL just today. I chose UPS for both so that I wouldn’t cause any delay with ballots!