It's easy for them to do that, now that Dems will be in power. If Georgia went another way, I believe all these companies wouldn't have jumped on the ban bandwagon. At most Twitter would have kept it a temp suspension.
I'm not convinced of that.
OK it has taken awhile to sink in because we are a politically divided nation, but the plain facts are
1) the Capitol Building we saw attacked by Americans on 1/6 was the fourth target on the 9/11 list, and
2) we don't have a
new Capitol Building today instead of a national monument out in a field in rural Pennsylvania, arguably only because some people on Flight 93 said let's roll and provided some fucking national security.
So as to that Capitol Building, where exactly was our fucking national security.
I'm cynical about it too, but for a different reason. There were deaths involved, and I don't think they want to be dragged into any criminal charges and/or civil lawsuits as an accessory, however unwitting.
Yeah. All those outfits have rafts of legal counsel, and the 230 shield was already starting to feel flimsy because Congress has been on the big social media platforms to clean up their act for a long time already.
They are protected by the 230 protection act. Which Trump recently threatened to veto days ago, but Trump's power is near worthless now.
Yeah! I'd sure like to think Trump's power is nearly gone now. Ten days and counting, what could go wrong.
Fear of the 230 act disappearing is not probably what drove those media companies to de-platform Trump. I think it was sheer horror that what was unfolding had been planned on their platforms and that there appears to have been some rather studied ignorance of that in high echelons of what's left of the Trump-tweaked national security and defense establishments in the shreds of Donald Trump's administration.
I don't think events of January 6 were exactly a coup attempt. The events were facilitated though by a long fostered Big Lie meant to launch a "people's effort" to attack lawmakers they were falsely led to believe were themselves engaged in a coup by fraudulent election. That is pretty Orwellian.
Trump didn't invent all that himself. We should find out who may have facilitated any part of it behind scenes, quite aside from any studiously idle suggestions by the likes of Bannon, Flynn and god knows who else. If there was ever a puppet with a thousand masters, it's Donald Trump.
How ironic that Trump himself is an authoritarian. Yet he does not really know how to lead. He is a really good 2nd. He's like Baghdad Bob sometimes. And no one whistles up porch dogs like Trump does.
So Trump is impeachable. Again. Trump gave the high sign in his speech at the DC rally on Wednesday to "go fight like hell or we won't even have a country". And he certainly had tweeted encouragement to show up down there on that day, adding that it "will be wild".
After those remarks, his tweets, the incessant nagging at every official he could think of to "find" votes to cement a fake victory for himself: no one should be surprised that the media platforms finally said ya know what this is like way over the line for us. Their own lawyers must have been having a cow.