Past GuitarBlast members to find and re-invite

For daily shits and giggles, what are the chances of getting Carmine in here?
I don't recall the name (vaguely familiar but my memory isn't what it used to be) but feel free to invite anyone you like.
I was in touch with Chris until he kinda dropped off social media altogether. I reached out to his son, asking about Chris. He told me that things were bad between him and his dad; that he didn't see any way he would speak to him again after something went down between the two. Very sad...
I was in touch with Chris until he kinda dropped off social media altogether. I reached out to his son, asking about Chris. He told me that things were bad between him and his dad; that he didn't see any way he would speak to him again after something went down between the two. Very sad...
Okay, thanks for the update it also sounds like Goport reached out to Mondola so we'll have to see how that plays out, would love to see either of them again but understand life gets in the way sometimes.
Welcome to the site.
Thanks. Was a regular contributor on G101 starting in 2006. Did a ton of covers with various people. Also took part in a number of group jams and solo battles. 1st cover was Bark at the Moon. Got a good response. John (JPF) offered to put vocals to it. we did 15 or more covers together after that. Went over to GuitarBlast when that started. Kept in touch with both JPF and Wah Wah till almost 2 years ago when i got off Facebook. Wah was dealing with health issues. Both are good people and so very talented. (side note: i lost track of a number of covers i did over the years. in particular im looking for the Zep cover 'The Ocean'. If anyone has this it would rule!) I have a few tunes from those days on Soundclick