Pastor Under Fire For Claiming Women In Shorts Deserve To Be Assaulted


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Aug 15, 2020
Of course he is all sorry now that he was called out for being a POS. I bet if we looked into his background it would not be pretty.

A pastor in North Carolina has apologized for remarks he made during a sermon where he said women’s clothing choices are responsible for sexual assault.
During a sermon recorded last August that recently went viral, the Rev. Bobby Leonard of Bible Baptist Tabernacle in Monroe, N.C., said that if he were serving on the jury for a rape trial, he would acquit a male rapist if his female victim were wearing shorts during the assault.
Somewhere in Alabama there is a Republican drawing up legislation to ban women from wearing shorts.
they sure wish they could make some ban on woman's clothing. of course in their fevered minds it would fix rape.
Somewhere in Alabama there is a Republican drawing up legislation to ban women from wearing shorts.

True story - the town I grew up in, which, coincidentally, like the Pastor’s town is also named Monroe, actually had a law against wearing shorts. The law, dating back to the early 1800s, was never enforced, but was a great source of amusement to the local population.
I can't imagine living inside that guys brain. Apparently the line is the sand for him is somewhere in the neighborhood of "shorts". Imagine walking through life thinking every female you see in shorts is up for grabs to any male interested in having her. Even if he wouldn't do such a thing himself, and I'm sure he wouldn't :rolleyes:, he still wouldn't blame the next guy if he decided to take advantage of that.

I grew up in church, so the thought of some pastor saying women shouldn't wear shorts wouldn't surprise me at all. But to take it to this level is just shocking. I can't believe people go to this man for spiritual guidance. That's leaning way too far into cult behavior.