People confusing standard aircraft for UFOs

Here is the pièce de résisitance of mistaking common aircraft for UFOs – only, bass-ackwards. Larry Hogan, former governor of Maryland, observed a formation of drones hovering over his home. He took pictures of them. The images clearly revealed that Orion was spying on him. Siriusly.

(Orion the constellation, if you did not get it.)

My understanding is that lots of Federal agencies know all about you…

I don't sweat it.
DJI won't just lose power in no fly zones, it will geo lock you out of it and it works pretty well. So when you hit the imaginary line, the drone stops in its tracks. However, when you get official FAA waivers you can submit them through DJI and then can bypass said no fly zone, I do this a lot for sanctioned jobs, like around stadiums during professional sports games for example.

If you have a drone that ignores all of that then it's not properly registered and not employing Remote ID, which is required for most drones now. People use them for illegal flights all the time but if you get busted the FAA will throw the hammer down, so I would be careful, especially right now.

I always fly with either a waiver or a LAANC request in applicable airspace, the local FAA office knows all about me and my flights.

Mayorkas wants states to have the power to shoot them down

You should agree that this sounds like a stunningly bad idea. Rounds shot into the air will mostly miss, meaning those bullets will come down somewhere. People die from that.
You should agree that this sounds like a stunningly bad idea. Rounds shot into the air will mostly miss, meaning those bullets will come down somewhere. People die from that.

I think I did. :)

You're hellbent on politicizing this when it makes no difference, they played the report on TV and that's why I cited it. Could've been a liberal democrat for all I care, it was ridiculous.

Not really. Politicians from both sides have been on both sides of this.

But the end all voice should come from the Administration and so far, they 1) don't have any idea, or 2) know exactly what it is and just aren't saying. Instead, you have the WH saying it's nothing while the DHS is asking the states to shoot them down.

My question for all of it would be, Why all of a sudden is this being noticed? Were they not there 2 months ago?

Maybe Occam's Razor will win out, but so far no one seems to know 100% for sure.
If you have a drone that ignores all of that then it's not properly registered and not employing Remote ID, which is required for most drones now. People use them for illegal flights all the time but if you get busted the FAA will throw the hammer down, so I would be careful, especially right now.

My Autel does not do that and is one reason I picked it. There is an old out of service airport near a great overlook where we used to ride. So it was nice to be able to throw the drone up to do some overhead group shots. But this overlook is within the airspace of the closed airport. DJI had never updated their no-fly zones so their drones would not fly there even though it was closed down.

My drone is registered, but does not broadcast the RID.
Why all of a sudden is this being noticed?

Probably has something to do with some "important" rich guy who just got assassinated in the street. The upper crust must be getting a little nervous about the possibility that the unwashed masses are interested in going beyond merely hating on them. Those little UAVs would be troublingly effective at that.
My Autel does not do that and is one reason I picked it. There is an old out of service airport near a great overlook where we used to ride. So it was nice to be able to throw the drone up to do some overhead group shots. But this overlook is within the airspace of the closed airport. DJI had never updated their no-fly zones so their drones would not fly there even though it was closed down.

My drone is registered, but does not broadcast the RID.
I’ll just say that even if the zone is no longer occupied, the FAA has the final say if it’s closed or not. Many small airports have specific hours of operations as well, it sounds like you know it’s closed but something to be aware of.

Yeah, Autel doesn’t play big brother which is nice. However, unless the drone is a category 1, it is required to have Remote ID now. What model do you own?

As a rule I never tell people what they should or shouldn’t do (because I freaking hate that) but I’m well versed and happy to educate. 🙂