Pixel size and MB in terms of resolution


seeker of light
Site Donor
Jul 22, 2021
Main Camera
I am preparing to submit some images for consideration for publication. I've had some images published before, but they were digital, and this is a new film only magazine. The requirements for submission are as follows:

Images MUST be a minimum of a 5MB file size (2700 x 1800ppi minimum file size), else they cannot be considered. You can find out the image dimensions of any scan on any computer, using ‘get info’ for example on a Mac

Most that I am considering submitting I've scanned at home, so they have the resolution of my Z6 and hitting those requirements aren't a problem. I have a couple of lab scans that are considerably smaller in terms of MB but do hit the pixel dimensions. I've already sent in a question to the organization if a smaller MB size is okay. I realize they want high quality images to have the best quality for printing. My smallest MB size is 2.2mb, which still doesn't seem very small, and I know there is a correlation to the amount of "busyness" in an image and file size. The small file is a relatively simple frame.

I am guessing that I should just camera scan the smaller files, but I like the colors/contrast I have and am worried I won't be able to replicate that with my home scanning process. I'm just baffled by the 5mb minimum as I am used to submitting things with a maximum resolution. Especially for film where the resolution is limited by scans.

I'm not sure I have a question, really just sort of wondering out loud here.
Also, I don't really think I'll be chosen, but it's free to enter and I'm trying to become more established in the film world. Can't be accepted if I don't submit. 🙂 It's fun to find images to submit and even more fun when the magazine comes in the mail.
This is an interesting requirement for file size on a scan like this, I wish I had an answer but I suspect it's in the DPI and wonder if you'll have to enlarge to meet it.

As far as being chosen, you never know unless you try. IMO everyone should have a fair shot and it's also fun to look through all the submissions.
This is an interesting requirement for file size on a scan like this, I wish I had an answer but I suspect it's in the DPI and wonder if you'll have to enlarge to meet it.

As far as being chosen, you never know unless you try. IMO everyone should have a fair shot and it's also fun to look through all the submissions.
they wrote back and said the pixel size was fine. not all labs send huge scans unless you pay extra so i’m sure i’m not the only one affected.