Police Shoot Black Man in the Back in Wisconsin

I am still "buggin'" on this, even after it's been shared so many times.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299783390573465600/

According to the right-wing detractors of Jacob Blake, the guy in that video above should be full of bullet holes.
Just a few years ago, the Blake shooting would have been investigated by the police department itself. Thanks to them killing a young man and deciding after only 2 days that the killing was justified, the man’s parents sued and it led to Wisconsin requiring an outside agency to investigate police shootings.

Just a few years ago, the Blake shooting would have been investigated by the police department itself. Thanks to them killing a young man and deciding after only 2 days that the killing was justified, the man’s parents sued and it led to Wisconsin requiring an outside agency to investigate police shootings.

"we have investigated our-self's and found out we did nothing wrong" , every cop in every department should have a camera and if footage goes "missing" outside agencies should investigate.
I am still "buggin'" on this, even after it's been shared so many times.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1299783390573465600/
I am struggling to place that. It is somewhere between Fall City and Monroe, my instinct being Duvall, but I cannot seem to tease it out of the map thing. That is a very white and suburban part of the county.

But that is a WHiP. You really do not want to fuck with those guys.
Mr. Blake's sister speaks:

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1298364170962952194/

This would be so funny if it weren't so fucked up.
I think there is lots of ignorance on how things work.

Personally I'd obey the police or be well aware of what I'm doing or how I'm acting in the presence of police. The police are well aware of certain behavior that "might" threaten their life and unfortunately too many times those "might"s lead them to shoot somebody. It's like those warning tags or pages of warnings in the instructions that when you read them you go "what idiot would do that?". Well, at least one idiot did and that's why they put it in writing. Unfortunately to some cops everybody is that idiot and shooting the person is their "in case of" emergency instructions. In some cases somebody acting instinctually or without situational awareness could get them killed.
Alright. I guess I'll just roll with it the best I can.
Seddy was explaining that Daniel Prude died because of a heart condition caused by PCP. I informed him that PCP doesn't cause myocarditis, then tschimp explained that drugs can cause myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation).
Am I missing the reference? It sounds like something really funny I don't want to miss:)
Not really a reference, just a wordplay on "drugs": D-shaped rugs.

Really, WTF does "drugs" mean? Cocaine, Heroin, Ayuhasca, Meth, PCP, Oxy, LSD, these things are similar? Other than being illegal, to throw all of these substances in one basket is just silly.
Not really a reference, just a wordplay on "drugs": D-shaped rugs.
Ahhahhahha:) I'm too sleep deprived to have ever gotten this.
Really, WTF does "drugs" mean? Cocaine, Heroin, Ayuhasca, Meth, PCP, Oxy, LSD, these things are similar? Other than being illegal, to throw all of these substances in one basket is just silly.
It could be anything even tylenol:D In reality only a few non-chemo drugs do it, can't name a legal one from the top of my head, maybe lacosamide (an anti seizure med). Of the illegal ones, cocaine is the one classically associated with small vessel inflammation. I've treated a few cases. Not very uplifting.
Seddy was explaining that Daniel Prude died because of a heart condition caused by PCP. I informed him that PCP doesn't cause myocarditis, then tschimp explained that drugs can cause myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation).

It's little things like this that annoy the piss out of me. You can't tell if they're arguing in bad faith, throwing whatever they can at you to trip you up, or if they're really just goddamn stupid.
It's little things like this that annoy the piss out of me. You can't tell if they're arguing in bad faith, throwing whatever they can at you to trip you up, or if they're really just goddamn stupid.
Cut it with occam's razor and pick the most succinct possibility.
It's little things like this that annoy the piss out of me. You can't tell if they're arguing in bad faith, throwing whatever they can at you to trip you up, or if they're really just goddamn stupid.
Same here, extremely annoyed. But maybe the answer is all of the above.