Randy couple had oral sex in cop car after woman said 'we should make OnlyFans vid'

Fuck. Why did you tell me to not look it up? Not sure I’ll recover.

How could I resist? I just HAD to look it up..... Oh, my......

Yes, I should know better.

Urban Dictionary is something I never knew I needed in my life until, 1): The advent of online media utterly transformed the world, and the words used to describe that world, and, 2): The fact that I no longer teach has meant that I cannot therefore ask my students what such expressions, or terms, actually mean.

And they were always delightfully and invariably helpful in such matters, quite touchingly thrilled - as well as ever so slightly embarrassed (this was a classroom, after all) - to have the opportunity to school me in something that they knew about and I didn't.

That's easy: the satisfaction of my curiosity, of course! :D
And that is why Eve ate the apple; she simply wanted to know how it tasted.
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My question is about the medical consequences of such action. Wouldn’t it irremediably damage the urethra, especially if such action is done multiple times? I had the pleasure of experiencing a catheter after my open heart surgery, and thankfully I was under anesthesia when it went in. I can assure you, it wasn’t a pleasant experience even if I experienced only half of it. I can’t even think about a metal rod going in…
My question is about the medical consequences of such action. Wouldn’t it irremediably damage the urethra, especially if such action is done multiple times? I had the pleasure of experiencing a catheter after my open heart surgery, and thankfully I was under anesthesia when it went in. I can assure you, it wasn’t a pleasant experience even if I experienced only half of it. I can’t even think about a metal rod going in…

I guess if you do it often enough with the appropriate amount of care and attention, you eventually stretch things out to the point that it becomes comfortable.

Now that I've said that, I'm gonna go get drunk.
I guess if you do it often enough with the appropriate amount of care and attention, you eventually stretch things out to the point that it becomes comfortable.

If my childhood taught me anything it's that the "acquired taste" thing is a bit of nonsense. It didn't work with liver. It didn't work with tomatoes or squash. It didn't work for coffee and tea. Forcing myself to endure something I don't care for in the hopes that I'll change my mind is just a form of insanity in my opinion. If I find it un-pleasurable the first time, why would I want a second time?

Which leads me to the second bit of nonsense that comes with childhood, "how will you know if you don't try it?" Utter BS. I've lived with this penis my whole life. We've done some crazy things together. I don't need to shove something up there to know I'm probably not going to care for it. Might I be wrong? Sure. Am I ok with being wrong and missing out on this fantastic opportunity? Absolutely.

There's not enough time to enjoy all life's pleasures. I'm ok missing one or two along the way. Someone else can try it to see if they like it or not. I'm good. (y)