Roe vs. Wade overturned

How is Collins going to fair through this? I know she still has 4+ years on her term left, and most likely will retire next election. However, I think there should be calls for her resignation.
She’s apparently expressed shock that such a thing could happen.
The Supreme Court has confirmed that it is a leak, but points out it is only a draft. Here is the statement:
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521494553877962754/
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521494557237653505/

Somebody thought this was momentous enough, that it had to get out early, and they are right.

How is Collins going to fair through this? I know she still has 4+ years on her term left, and most likely will retire next election. However, I think there should be calls for her resignation.

She’s apparently expressed shock that such a thing could happen.

Lucy Van Collins & Murkowski, will as you say act surprised & try the victim card out.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521523259996524544/

No one of course is going to buy that shit. Everyone saw it coming, and the two have played this game far too many times in the past. They had no credibility then while trying to beg for some, and now have shown they never deserved any at all. Let's be honest, at this point, they don't give a shit. They just hope the blowback won't dog them incessantly while they try to slither their way thru rest of their terms knowing full well the effects of their actions / inactions will have on other women for a lifetime and more.

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521312566059929600/

It's too late. In fact, years too late. The court will not be packed. The Dems do not have control of Congress with the Senate at 50/50 and at least one Dem ready to sabotage their own party depending on the issue. Sinema, Manchin and Kelly may as well be Rethugicans on certain issues.

The filibuster is here for the foreseeable future. The Supreme Court will be destroying long-standing precedents for many years to come. And we have no guarantee that the next Presidential election won't be a total con job by the GOP. Either through extreme voter suppression. Or by rigging the outcome in GOP statehouses after the fact.

But "Bernie or Bust" and "There's no difference between Dems and the GOP" and "voting doesn't matter!" 🤷‍♂️
How is Collins going to fair through this? I know she still has 4+ years on her term left, and most likely will retire next election. However, I think there should be calls for her resignation.
I've said this before but, living 20 minutes from the Maine border and having many friends there, her winning last time blew my mind. She'd shown that she'd rarely stand up to her party, even though she's one of the saner GOP members. It was time for her to go and that was a lost opportunity.
It's too late. In fact, years too late. The court will not be packed. The Dems do not have control of Congress with the Senate at 50/50 and at least one Dem ready to sabotage their own party depending on the issue. Sinema, Manchin and Kelly may as well be Rethugicans on certain issues.

The filibuster is here for the foreseeable future. The Supreme Court will be destroying long-standing precedents for many years to come. And we have no guarantee that the next Presidential election won't be a total con job by the GOP. Either through extreme voter suppression. Or by rigging the outcome in GOP statehouses after the fact.

But "Bernie or Bust" and "There's no difference between Dems and the GOP" and "voting doesn't matter!" 🤷‍♂️
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521310392311558144/

The important thing that stood out to me while listening to coverage of this as it broke on Rachel Maddow, was her pointing out a key phrase thrown in. That this ruling applies to abortion only. Meaning the court is fully aware of how conservatives will try to apply this to anything & everything they can to take us back to a "Leave it to Beaver" type of Americana.

It was one thing to sort of have hope in the Supreme Court to be the sane non politicized part of gov't. But once the whining about how they are viewed started & Clarence "Uncle" Thomas began showing his ass, we knew adding the last two White mannequins was taking us where we didn't need to go.

Ask yourself why it's so important to conservatives that a fetus is of more importance than a child or adult.
https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1521300759031296000/
I agree with the opinion that this has very little to do with the actual abortion. It has to do with the right being packed with a bunch of incels, insecure men terrified by women and the power they have. They want women to be subservient and second class on every possible level and to punished when they are not. This also explains why they couldn't give less of a shit after a child is born. The punishment for being sexually active is to carry it to term and then be weighed down with a lifetime of commitment or guilt.
As a moderate I think this is a very bad decision. I’m not a huge proponent of abortion generally, but I think it should be available and accessible, ideally last resort within 3 months or so unless there extenuating circumstances, as most European countries have decided.

The timing of this strategically for the republicans seems incredibly stupid. Way to energize the left and probably affect many independents/moderates voting decisions.

I’m don’t believe most anti-abortion activists are men looking to “control” women’s bodies. I don’t believe the statistics suggest that when according to Pew 42% of men and 37% of women believe abortion should be “illegal in all/most cases”. There are probably some crazy men who want power over women, but I think most truly see abortion as murder. At the same time, I don’t believe most those that choose to have abortions don’t see abortion as a seriously considered decision- like a procedure with ramifications no more significant than a haircut.

The emotional impact of abortions are rarely talked about. Many women do experience a period of sadness, grief, sometimes regret/second guessing, etc but also a sense of relief- usually it’s a very complex set of emotions. Most eventually conclude they made the best choice at the time. There are some women (and men) who have lasting emotional problems, but usually have underlying risk factors. Having resources to support all women regardless of their choice is important.

I don’t have data readily available from the past few years, but as of 2017 abortions are at an all time low (13.5 per 1000), lower than 1973 levels (16.3 per 1000), with a height around 1980 at nearly 30. I suspect that had a lot to do largely in part with making prophylactic options more available and accessible.

Ensuring easy and affordable access to prophylactic tools such as condoms, birth control, morning after pill, as well as education. Additionally, having quality child support and family services to those who might want to complete their pregnancy is also vital. If all these options were readily available, maybe less abortions would be required and maybe it would be less of a hot topic issue.

What I would really like to see is Plan B be available OTC (meaning no Rx required) with 100% insurance coverage. Here is Massachusetts, MassHealth (medicaid) will pay for it, but only with an Rx. The contraceptive has to be taken within 72hrs (sooner the better)… getting an appointment to get a prescription within 72hrs isn’t always going to be doable. I just checked my private insurance, they want a $20-50 copay which is basically more than OTC cost.

What’s disgusting to me is if you go to CVS or Walgreens, they’ll charge $50 for the brand name Plan-B and usually $40 for the generic Levonorgestrel. If you go to Walmart or Amazon you can buy Levonorgestrel for $10, sometimes less.

That aside, accidental, unwanted, and life threatening pregnancies still occur and abortion should be available.
This could be fixed immediately. Pack the court.
Agreed. Biden won't do it though and his window is about to close as the keys to both houses will be given back to Republicans for the next two years. A step like this takes balls and that's something Democrats lack, Republicans get ahead because they don't give a shit about what others think and they act, we could all learn something from them in that aspect.
Agreed. Biden won't do it though and his window is about to close as the keys to both houses will be given back to Republicans for the next two years. A step like this takes balls and that's something Democrats lack, Republicans get ahead because they don't give a shit about what others think and they act, we could all learn something from them in that aspect.

Democrats annoy me because they have no balls. Republicans lie, cheat, and steal their way to wins all while pretending to be the party of family values. And democrats want to play nice with them. You can't play nice with these mofos.
Agreed. Biden won't do it though and his window is about to close as the keys to both houses will be given back to Republicans for the next two years. A step like this takes balls and that's something Democrats lack, Republicans get ahead because they don't give a shit about what others think and they act, we could all learn something from them in that aspect.
It cannot be done by presidential fiat. It requires an act of Congress. To do that, they’d need 10 Republicans to sign on, or else change Manchin and Sinema’s minds on ending the filibuster.

There are plenty of Democrats who would do it. But with such a thin majority, there’s no way to get past Sinema and Manchin’s opposition. Republicans didn’t get everything they wanted either when they had slim majorities. That’s why Mitch adopted the tactic of just blocking everything. Blocking stuff is easy, and it makes his constituents feel like he's doing something.

What legislation have Republicans actually passed since the Trump tax cut?
Agreed. Biden won't do it though

Democrats annoy me because they have no balls.
Reality check: Dems can't get rid of the filibuster with Manchin and a current 50/50 Senate. They are not the GOP and won't resort to the cheating and lying and strong-arming that is the hallmark of the GOP. Just reality. They need to keep control of the House and add 2+ seats in the Senate. To do that they will have to overcome the shenanigans of the GOP the last couple decades. Tough when whiners and uninterested parties do nothing to help. Well, to help their supposed side.
It cannot be done by presidential fiat. It requires an act of Congress. To do that, they’d need 10 Republicans to sign on, or else change Manchin and Sinema’s minds on ending the filibuster.

There are plenty of Democrats who would do it. But with such a thin majority, there’s no way to get past Sinema and Manchin’s opposition. Republicans didn’t get everything they wanted either when they had slim majorities. That’s why Mitch adopted the tactic of just blocking everything. Blocking stuff is easy, and it makes his constituents feel like he's doing something.

What legislation have Republicans actually passed since the Trump tax cut?

The “tax cut” raised my taxes, so let’s not call it that.
It cannot be done by presidential fiat. It requires an act of Congress. To do that, they’d need 10 Republicans to sign on, or else change Manchin and Sinema’s minds on ending the filibuster.

There are plenty of Democrats who would do it. But with such a thin majority, there’s no way to get past Sinema and Manchin’s opposition. Republicans didn’t get everything they wanted either when they had slim majorities. That’s why Mitch adopted the tactic of just blocking everything. Blocking stuff is easy, and it makes his constituents feel like he's doing something.

What legislation have Republicans actually passed since the Trump tax cut?
It all starts with a president willing to step up to the plate, something Biden (and to be fair most Democrats) are unwilling to do. Obama did it with the Affordable Care Act to his credit but by and large Democrats are weak when it comes to this. Like them or not, Republicans jump in line lock step for the most part, even going back to Bush Jr and the Iraq war. When they put their minds to something (even if it's to cock block) they get it done.

Could they have gotten it done during this Congress? I agree probably not but they would've at least taken a stand in solidarity and united the party in many other ways.
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It all starts with a president willing to step up to the plate, something Biden (and to be fair most Democrats) are unwilling to do. Obama did it with the Affordable Healthcare Act to his credit but by and large Democrats are weak when it comes to this. Like them or not, Republicans jump in line lock step for the most part, even going back to Bush Jr and the Iraq war. When they put their minds to something (even if it's to cock block) they get it done.

Could they have gotten it done during this Congress? I agree probably not but they would've at least taken a stand in solidarity and united the party in many other ways.
A fact that has bearing on the discussion: The Democrats had enough votes to override a filibuster when they passed the Affordable Care Act. It passed the Senate 60-39.

If you don’t have the votes, you can’t get things done. Unless Manchin and Sinema agree to eliminate the filibuster, we just have to deal with the frustration.