Rush Limbaugh Dead at 70

LOL. You're not kidding. Check out the difference between, say, NBC News's page and Fox's.


That is the biggest hilarious display of right-wing ass-kissing I've ever seen in my life.
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LOL. You're not kidding. Check out the difference between, say, NBC News's page and Fox's.

View attachment 3590View attachment 3591

That is the biggest hilarious display of right-wing ass-kissing I've ever seen in my life.
That Fox ”News” website tho…. OMG stop the presses, Bette Midler said something. Every single Fox viewer needs to be upset about it!
Well said...

https://www.Twitter or X not allowed/i/web/status/1362088697751957506/
I couldn’t put into words how I felt about this news but this is exactly it.

My mom is a huge Rush fan and whenever I’ve heard his show it was nothing but a 3 hour brainwashing session. SMH
JFC, tshrimp is a whiny bitch, "Oh, boo hoo, people aren't showing sympathy to the family", I mean, sure, we all understand it might be a sad event for people who gave a shit, but it's pretty clear, many of us do __not__.
No disrespect meant to anybody on here who wants to have some compassion for the loss of a life, but if a guy chopped up his family and threw them in a dumpster then it would be pretty much universally agreed by all sides that at minimum they should spend the rest of their life in prison. How many generations of millions of people has Rush filled with blind rage towards half the population with his hyperbole, lies, and selective facts and predictions? He was still promoting the election lie on his last broadcasts. He went well beyond polite disagreements and broke ground for people like him and worse. Has he ever done or promoted anything that had a positive effect on a diverse population?

We give way too far of a pass to some people just because they didn't personally kill somebody.
As I said in TOP, I won’t celebrate his death, but I will definitely not celebrate his life. This is the first cancer-death I’ve heard of since my own diagnosis that didn’t cause me any feelings of survivor’s guilt. He was not a good man.
As I said in TOP, I won’t celebrate his death, but I will definitely not celebrate his life. This is the first cancer-death I’ve heard of since my own diagnosis that didn’t cause me any feelings of survivor’s guilt. He was not a good man.



And very well said.

(Emoji for rubbing hands with barely suppressed glee): I have to say that this post has put matters into a proper - and precisely focussed - perspective.
I’m sorry, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the “Thank You Very Much” scene from “Scrooge” hasn’t come to mind a number of times over the last day.
Interesting tidbit about Limbaugh from one of the many articles about him.

After his syndicated radio show became a hit, he expected to be embraced in elite New York media circles by the likes of Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather. “Look, I admired these people,” he told the Times, “I thought they would welcome me as one of them. I was wrong.”

The man had many delusional attitudes, but that one took me aback. He expected to run in the same circles as legitimate newsmen? Isn’t that like Lewis Black thinking he’ll be invited to join the New York Times editorial board?

Interesting tidbit about Limbaugh from one of the many articles about him.

The man had many delusional attitudes, but that one took me aback. He expected to run in the same circles as legitimate newsmen? Isn’t that like Lewis Black thinking he’ll be invited to join the New York Times editorial board?

The newsmen mentioned would never stoop to the level Limbaugh did, their job is to tell the truth about events, not obfuscate it behind a political agenda. Rush was more of an entertainer and the ignorant right loved him, not all is lost though there's still Tucker Carlson and everyone at Fox "News" to carry the torch.
The newsmen mentioned would never stoop to the level Limbaugh did, their job is to tell the truth about events, not obfuscate it behind a political agenda. Rush was more of an entertainer and the ignorant right loved him, not all is lost though there's still Tucker Carlson and everyone at Fox "News" to carry the torch.
And let's not forget that he made B-A-N-K on his hatred. His est. net worth is >800M. Good journalism doesn't pay this well.
We are lucky Trump isn’t still president, ‘cause he’d have all the flags lowered to half mast.

And it’s a good thing I’m not president, ‘cause we’d be having a “ding-dong” parade down the yellow brick road.