Donald Trump is not even an anarchist, that's his former buddy Bannon's bailiwick. Antichrist understudy, maybe, although I'd nominate some of Trump's gaggle of morally compromised evangelical clergy for that role.
But Trump (and yeah, Bannon) would wink and nod at anarchy until figuring it was clear on TV that the worst had been brought out in a street protest, at which point at least Trump seems to fantasize that he'd then have grounds to declare martial law, suspend
habeas corpus and just lock up wholesale anyone who even looks sideways at one of his obnoxious tweets.
So far Trump's aides and counsel seem to have convinced him that that might be a too broad interpretation of "invasion or rebellion" in our official paperwork.
He has settled for disturbing but relatively minor threat-shows of force at peaceful protests... like that teargas-filled "clearing of a path" so he could walk to St. John's for a photo-op of him holding an upside-down Bible. Gee, does it reassure us that one of "his generals" later said he regretted having any part in that gig?
Trump also tweets for blue state governors to activate their National Guard when a peaceful protest gets infiltrated by anyone seeking to do violence.
And then there was the grabbing up of folks by goonish-acting guys from DHS and stuffing their quarry into unmarked federal cars in Portland.
If violence occurs in some red state that supported Trump in 2016, he'd probably declare the lefties have invaded, and on that pretext order the launch of nukes?
Why not, I have the codes right here somewhere, don't I?
Nuke a red state over "an invasion" by lefties? despite nowhere to go for the righties? Nukes?!
Sure and be damned to us all anyway, we have all always been optional bit players even the bunch showing up at his campaign rallies.
is just a TV show anyway, right?
In short, Trump is nuts and also a wannabe-fascist-pig, dressed up and playing at dictator in some fortunately slightly too small loopholes of the USA's generous constitution. But stay tuned, the election season is young and he doesn't want to leave office no matter what our ballots say. He's hell bent on becoming our president for life. He owes a lot of money as a private citizen. It's safer in the Oval Office, or so he figures.
It's not about anarchy or fascism or popcorn... it's about narcissistic delusions of grandeur. Doesn't make it less dangerous for the USA, however we label anything. Waiting for the GOP to realize that and start cracking down on Trump's blatant attempts to delegitimize in advance a presidential election that he knows will not favor him. The court pick is just his ace in the hole.