RIP Sean Connery has died, aged 90


Aug 12, 2020
Just read that the death of Sean Connery has been reported, aged 90. RIP.

While many will recall him, above all, for his iconic role as James Bond, a series that captured some of the zeitgeist of the 60s, personally, I preferred him in some of his more mature roles, such as the roles as Captain Ramius in The Hunt for Red October, the wonderful Brother William of Baskerville in The Name of the Rose, and the curmudgeonly and irascible Henry Jones, father of the eponymous Indiana Jones, in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, among others.
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Sad news, indeed. He has just always been around…

I do agree with @Scepticalscribe though that while he is known for 007, his later roles are a better legacy. Personally I remember him from the film based on Kipling's Man Who Would Be King.

So we all shuffle closer to the edge…
I remember the day my mother said he was too old for her. LOL Still, he went out as one of the sexiest men on earth.