RIP Shoot your wife get arrested waiting for trial have that gun given back and shoot her dead Alabama


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Aug 15, 2020
I hope the family sues Alabama into the Stone Age. wait they are already there.
I swear the Second amendment is the only rule of law sometimes.
they didn't to hold the gun for evidence? WTF is all I can say about this Fobar.

The state of Alabama took his gun away. When authorities gave it back, he shot and killed his wife.​

I hope the family sues Alabama into the Stone Age. wait they are already there.
I swear the Second amendment is the only rule of law sometimes.
they didn't to hold the gun for evidence? WTF is all I can say about this Fobar.

The state of Alabama took his gun away. When authorities gave it back, he shot and killed his wife.​

The law in Alabama made it illegal for this guy (a former cop BTW) to own a firearm due to his domestic violence, but the POLICE gave it back to him. Rule #1 of the police doesn’t seem to be upholding the law. It seems to be covering for your fellow cop no matter what they do wrong. If this guy was NOT a cop, would he have gotten the gun back? If he was black and not a cop, would he have gotten it back? And how in the world can the Alabama governor’s office not respond with a comment? Do they care more about pandering to 2nd-amendment morons than about the life of this innocent woman or about Alabama state law?
From another article, the cops covered for their own when he shot his wife the first time. They didn’t even press charges...

Police reports at the time said the two were fighting over his handgun when it went off and struck her in the arm.

During their investigation, authorities determined Montgomery to be the aggressor in the dispute, with her declining to press charges.

The ex-cop is the son of a retired police chief. McIntosh himself went from working as an officer at the Birmingham Police Department and then Mountain Brook Police Department before joining Hoover's department in 1999.

Yeah right, SHE was the aggressor. Looks like she was threatened not to press charges.

He hunted her down after she moved out, taking her out of a bar by force when she was with her friends. He beat her first before killing her. He’ll be back on the street in 15 years when he’s eligible for parole.

Meanwhile, Alabama executed this man:

I don’t give a f*** if “defund the police” is a bad slogan. Policing in America is a broken institution.
Was there ever a time when it wasn't? Serious question. Looking at the history of the close ties between local police and the KKK and everything that went along with that, was there ever a time when the police were really the good guys? Or is it a case of them still partying like it's 1955 and not moving with the times?

Keep in mind the population growth, but essentially over time their jobs became safer, crime plummeted due to societal changes yet their on duty homicide rate increased. So based on just these superficial variables, they've gotten better for their own sakes, but worse for public's sake.
It's an interesting one, isn't it? The US police seem to enjoy portraying that they are on the front lines and "under attack", but statistically they don't even feature on the 10 top most dangerous jobs in the US

I know. There are about 600K LEOs in the USA. About 50 murdered on duty, and about 150-200 die due to duty related injury/disease. You'll be shocked...COVID killed more cops last year than criminals. It's really ironic how getting vaccinated would have the highest impact on those "Blue Lives"

