So I guess everybody is getting Covid

It’s interesting that the news is acting like people who haven’t gotten it are a rare miracle, but it’s still the case that most people I know haven’t gotten it. Although I guess if we’ve all had “symptomless COVID”, then the point is moot.
I’ll be taking the family to Disneyland in a couple weeks, and that should be the end of my “no covid streak.” Unfortunately, being shut in for most of the pandemic has had implications to my kid‘s mental health, and getting her out of the house for a few days is an absolute necessity. I’ll wear masks whenever I can, but given the number of people around who likely won’t, I don’t like my chances.

I'm going to Disneyworld in about a month with my cousin and uncle - 3 "kids", the youngest of which is 47. ;) I imagine between the cross country flights and the parks I'll be coming home with more than just good memories.
Welp, my kid just tested positive. She sounded a little nasally on Friday, and told me there were kids at school coughing and sniffling and when she asked them to wear masks around her they told her that they didn’t need to because my daughter wears a mask.
Geez, I assume she's pretty caught up on her vaccinations.

So what's the current protocols in your area?
Geez, I assume she's pretty caught up on her vaccinations.

So what's the current protocols in your area?

She’s had four shots, but not the bivalent yet - she is scheduled to get it in a couple of weeks, though now we’ll postpone.

Protocols now are pretty much “mask optional except in medical facilities.” She wears a mask at school but it is no longer required, and they don’t do testing at school anymore. The last I heard, they follow the “come back to school on day 5 after positive test or symptom onset if you have a negative test” scheme. I emailed the contacts at the school to ask them what we are supposed to do. Obviously she’ll miss at least a couple of days of school.

My wife’s out of town, so I’ll need to work from home tomorrow. Then I’ll return to work and keep my mask on unless I test positive.
The only setting that people are required to wear masks here anymore is medical facilities (even dentist offices don't require them anymore). I do still see a few people wearing them in grocery stores, but they're only about 5%?

More variants that escape any protection that people have spawning every day:

I really don't understand why they're not forcing people to wear masks on planes and trains anymore. We should have kept all of our protections in place until this thing became as common as smallpox. :(
The number of sub-variants (all in the Omicron lineage) has expanded massively in the past couple months, to the extent it's very difficult to keep track of them. One thing we know for sure is they are more adept at evading immunity conferred by prior infection and/or vaccines their predecessors. Unfortunately, it's difficult to do studies that account for the many variables in play. I agree that requiring masks indoors and on public transportation would help reduce transmission of COVID-19, flu, and other pathogens. But people rail against even simple measures.
Sigh. I came down with covid yesterday. It’s not fun.
Wow sorry to hear that, hopefully you still have some protection from your last vaccine. I’ve been out in the wild with no mask all week, now I’m worried. 😟
Hope you are doing well with all of this, wishing you a speedy recovery.
A lot of sleeping, a lot of coughing, and a lot of acetaminophen to keep the fever in check. Amazing how partners around the world suddenly need my help with stuff and want to chat when I can’t talk or get out of bed, though.
A lot of sleeping, a lot of coughing, and a lot of acetaminophen to keep the fever in check. Amazing how partners around the world suddenly need my help with stuff and want to chat when I can’t talk or get out of bed, though.

Whoa... That sounds really rough. Sorry to hear you got hit that hard. :(

I got it last year around this time. Not even close to that bad. Mostly a strong annoyance, kind of like the flu.
A lot of sleeping, a lot of coughing, and a lot of acetaminophen to keep the fever in check. Amazing how partners around the world suddenly need my help with stuff and want to chat when I can’t talk or get out of bed, though.
Sorry to hear that, any idea how you picked it up? Doesn’t seem to be spreading too much right now, maybe wrong place wrong time?
Sorry to hear that, any idea how you picked it up? Doesn’t seem to be spreading too much right now, maybe wrong place wrong time?
No idea. I am not near People a lot. Possibly at physical therapy?
The fever stage has passed, and now that I am on day 5 it’s settled into continued coughing (which i can keep mostly in check by chugging Delsym), bad nasal congestion that I can’t do anything about because of other meds I am on, a generally pleasant light-headedness, and a loss of some (most?) of my sense of taste. I blame @Colstan. As soon as that “vaccinated” label came down, BAM!

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